Halp is another word for Help. It's a word to attract species to come lend a hand or voice. It won't do anything when you need help escaping Dexter. :)
"HALP I'm being stalked for 1 day to a week, maybe a month if i'm sneaky. I then got injected with an animal tranquilizer. I was undressed and wrapped in plastic wrap, with the room full of plastic wrap to keep fingerprints and blood out of the room. There's a strange man that is kind of handsome. He was probably the one who tranquilized me. He's showing me pictures of the women and men i've killed. I am crying right now, can you hear it? Ahh. He then stabs me. I am dea..." (This was one sentence, I just added periods because i'm on my period. Thank you.)
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Halp is a term used when a man brags he can suck his own dick. Halp is also used in primedice.com among a small crowd that has a circle suck off competition for attention.
"Halp guys"
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Halp is the intentional misspelling of the word help. Halp is usually used as a trap in order to catch gay boys.
Sarah: Ugh! I hate this class! Send halp!
Mark Infante: help*
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Somebodys way of spelling help me when you cant write english
Giril: HALP ME
Boy: ***Help me**
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A) A lazy way of typing 'Help Me', usually when a person doesn't need help at all, just saying it to try and squeeze an extra 'lol' out of somebody or trying to sound cool and 'leet';
B) Spelling of 'Help Me'for a person who who either makes a typo or who doesn't write/speak english very well.
(A) User-of-Word:"0mg LvL 2 r4bbitz g0nna pwn m3 HALP MEH"
Other person: "0mg buT u r LvL 99999 r0FL!!!111eleven"
B)Guy: "Hei im neew to typping in inglish zo 4give me 4 any mispelllings.. !!! A LVLV 999999 DEEMON AAAH HALP MEH"
Other Guy: "Foriegn n00b. Lol."
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When you need help with something and whoever was supposed to help you has left temporarily. Usually used when it’s during hot weather, but it could also be used rhetorically to say that you’re in hot shit.
*Putting up a tree in Christmas time.*
Ben on a chair stacked with boxes holding the tree for balance : Hey lawn can you hand me another ugly Christmas ornament that we need 200 of.
Lawn: Yeah sure, let me check what’s in the bag of infinite storage in a convenient nymph thigh colored foldable tote.
Ben: It’s pink, but okay QVC. Hit me.
Ben: …
Ben: Hot n’ Halp!
Lawn: Sorry I was trying to tell the guy under my bed that I’m going to fart.
Ben: Don’t forget to make sure he ain’t messing with your chicken wings.
The incorrect spelling of help, used in a comical manner. Typically used when someone doesn’t need help, but spells it as such for the sole purpose of letting others know real assistance is unneeded.
1: Halp, I’m drowning!
2: Hey, you’re swimming just fine!
3: We know, captain obvious!