Source Code

let me hold that

to steal something from a person. money,car,watch,airplane,old lady's walker,icecream truck,identity,the wheel,dignety,andre's pants,ect...

dude walks into a store pumps his shotgun and points it at the manager"let me hold that cash register.

by john my boy March 21, 2006

8πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž

let me hold a dollar

a kindly way of robbing by telling them. from that show everybody hates chris.

yo Dick, let me hold a dollar. Thanks Dick.

by Flava Doug February 11, 2010

835πŸ‘ 94πŸ‘Ž

let me hold somethin

Another way for asking for money.

Boochie : Aye boi, let me hold somethin?
Fred: Mayne, I aint go nuthin for you.

by Marie000 September 17, 2006

66πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

Let me hold a slug

"Let me hold a slug" Other Known as Can I hold a One Dollar bill ?

Chris: "Let me Hold a Slug"

Brandon:Yea No problem!

by raynaldo October 29, 2013

let me hold a hot

When one ask to get a dollar. Asking to hold a dollar.

"Damn, I forgot my wallet at home. Hey let me hold a hot."

by downtoit April 1, 2006

7πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

I’m scared, someone hold me tight

When you're avoiding a question and wana ghost a bitch

When can you hang out? β€œ I’m scared, someone hold me tight”

by Pamela Mares November 19, 2022

Hold Me Back Guy

That one dude in every crew who acts like he's about to throw hands, but actually his toughest move is yelling "hold me back!" hoping his friends actually do "hold him back"

Jon said, "We need a Hold Me Back Guy to start a fight for no reason tonight"

by JJπŸ’”LOVE August 3, 2024