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Horror Movie Virgin

Someone who have not seen a scary/horror movie or does not like watching one.

C: are we watching the grudge? its so scary
P: yes you horror movie virgin

by ginji February 16, 2008

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horror movie crank

The long cranking of a car that is trying to start in a horror movie. Usually by a teen girl in a tight skirt and high heels. she usually floods the engine.

The monster was nearly so the girl gave her car a "horror movie crank".

by Big Tom December 30, 2005

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horror movie dick

When you fuck a girl while she's on her period and your dick looks all bloody.

That was so good baby, check out my horror movie dick.

by Ladyinpublic October 22, 2014

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horror movie handjob

when you are at the movies watching a horror movie with your girlfriend and she is giving you a handjob as someone screams and she squeezes and tugs your penis and you scream like a bitch

davie: why is he holding his crotch
susie: his girlfriend gave him a horror movie handjob
davie: oooooohh thats suck i woulda beat that hoes ass

by killyoface1123249 July 29, 2010

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The Horror Movie Database

Horror Movie Database where you can search by keywords or just browse the long list of horror movies. Movies are added daily. With dvd covers, movie synopsis, ratings, trailers and movie scenes and links to the comedy, adventure, thriller, and family movie databases this database is great and very easy to follow.

The Horror Movie Database. Let's say you want to watch a movie about children, supernatural, and ghosts. Go to thehorrormoviedatabase and type those keywords separated by commas in the search box and you will get a list of movies that reflects your choices.

by horrorfreak December 26, 2011

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wooden horror movie shed

basically a "outhouse" if youre lame and like to call it that instead

did you see jeremy and chad go into the wooden horror movie shed? I think they're about to make their own rated R movie ๐Ÿ˜

by the only user on here w frog May 7, 2022

I Think I Saw This In A Horror Movie

A phrase used to describe an area where you would imagine an axe murderer living. Can also reference Brooklyn.

Joe: *drives onto a stretch of deserted highway surrounded by forest.

Ashley: I think i saw this in a horror movie.

by DazIsAKiller April 24, 2010

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