Source Code


Pronunciation: \in-'ven(t)-i-tes\

Function: noun

1. the extreme longing to invent something; most often a new word.

2. inflammation of an invention.

"I got a bad case of inventitis, i wish i could be like the guy that invented the pet rock."

by Fistpump1 September 14, 2009

3👍 1👎


From "invent" and "invitation". Lacking a formal invitation, inventing your own; to invite one's self

I knew they wouldn't mind me coming by, but they hadn't invited me; so I went on my own inventation.

by tgrby85 August 17, 2011

2👍 2👎

Stop inventing

Get out of here with your bs ideas
Get lost with your absurd ideas

“Carlos give 10 car lengths to Charles”

“Please don’t ask these things; stop inventing

by F1fan July 5, 2022

Mothers of Invention

A rock band of the mid-to-late 1960s. The best known member was Frank Zappa. The band made six albums and did three tours, but was not economically successful, which led to such musical gems as "No Commercial Potential".

As musicians, however, the band was very successful and influenced much of late-'60s American rock. Among their better-known songs were "Brain Police", "suzy creamcheese", and "Kansas".

"Mothers" were too cool for America; hell, they were too cool for earth.

by zappafan July 11, 2004

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invent a holiday

Get high, blaze, smoke marijuana.

"hey, this movie looks like it's gonna be totally lame. Wanna invent a holiday beforehand?"

by Alexrb December 10, 2006

Scottish Inventions

There is a saying in Scotland ,"Wha's Like Us?", which means Who Compares? Below is a Brief summary of Genius from our small Nation, Although Factual it should be read with tongue in Cheek Especially if you are English.

The average Englishman in the home he call his castle slips into his national costume, a shabby raincoat, patented by Chemist Charles Macintosh (Mac)from Glasgow, Scotland.
En-route to his office he strides along the English lane, surfaced by John Macadam (Tar Macadam)of Ayr, Scotland.
He drives an English car fitted with tyres invented by John Boyd Dunlop,(DUNLOP Tyres) Veterinary Surgeon of Dreghorn, Scotland.
At the office he receives the mail bearing adhesive stamps invented by John Chalmers, Bookseller and Printer of Dundee, Scotland.
During the day he uses the telephone invented by Alexander Graham Bell, born in Edinburgh, Scotland. At home in the evening his daughter pedals her bicycle invented by Kirkpatrick Macmillan, Blacksmith of Thornhill, Dumfriesshire, Scotland.
He watches the news on television, an invention of John Logie Baird of Helensburgh, Scotland, and hears an item about the U.S. Navy founded by John Paul Jones of Kirkbean, Scotland.
Nowhere can an Englishman turn to escape the ingenuity of the Scots.
He has by now been reminded too much of Scotland and in desperation he picks up the Bible, only to find that the first man mentioned in the good book is a Scot, King James VI, who authorized its translation.
He could take to drink but the Scots make the best in the world Whisky.
He could take a rifle and end it all, but the breech-loading rifle was invented by Captain Patrick Ferguson of Pitfours, Scotland.
If he escaped death, he could find himself on an operating table injected with penicillin, discovered by Sir Alexander Fleming of Darvel, Scotland, and given chloroform, an anesthetic discovered by Sir James Young Simpson, Obstetrician and Gynecologist of Bathgate, Scotland.
Out of the anesthetic he would find no comfort in learning that he was as safe as the Bank of England founded by William Paterson of Dumfries, Scotland.

Perhaps his only remaining hope would be to get a transfusion of guid Scottish blood which would entitle him to ask:

"Wha's Like Us"

Scottish Inventions? "Wha's Like Us?

by Alba gu Brath July 7, 2006

263👍 64👎

Inventing Gibberish


When you think of such a good word or phrase and no one else thinks its good, but you ask Urban Dictionary to add it and they approve.

Alec: Bro, Kelly called me stupid so I called her a 'gir-ass' (like a giraffe) and everybody was laughing and saying it was stupid but it just blew up on Urban.

Gene: Stop inventing Gibberish.

by finnrmyman November 2, 2022