An awesome game that proves to people that weird (and most likely queer) disney characters like Donald and Goofy can kick ass!!
Kingdom Hearts rocks but riku is a show offy weirdo.
53๐ 68๐
Another monsterious series that was crapped out from the asses of Sqaure-enix (and SqaureSoft for the earlier FF games). Possibly WORSE than Final Fantasy, the reason why: ITS FINAL FANTASY...WITH DISNEY CHARACTERS! Whats next "Kingdom Spades": Final Fantasy meets Cartoon Network, "Kingdom Clovers": Final Fantasy meets Nickelodeon, or "Kingdom Diamonds": Final Fantasy meets Warner Bros. I sure don't want those things to be crapped out the asses of Sqaure.
If Kingdom Hearts and evil Square have thier way and if Kingdom Spades, Kingdom Clovers, and Kingdom Diamond are made, then we are probably going to have to kiss good, wholesome, tasteful, quality gaming goodbye.
69๐ 378๐
An RPG produced in 2002 by Square-Enix and Disney. Featuring character designs by Tetsuya Nomura, well known for Final Fantasy VII, VIII and X, as well as Parasite Eve 1 & 2, the game follows Sora, a 14-year-old boy on a quest to reunite with his friends Kairi and Riku. Along the way, he teams up with various Disney characters including Donald Duck, Goofy, Tarzan, Aladdin, Ariel, Jack Skellington and others as he battles the Heartless that threaten to destroy all worlds.
While the gameplay was above-average and the re-playability good, many "hardcore" fans don't consider this game up to Square's standards. Tougher-than-thou fans point out the child-like simplicity of a boy defeating the darkness in people's hearts as being too kiddish, as well as making fun of the inclusion of Disney characters, because as we all know, Disney = TEH EVAL!!!1
If people took the time to play the game without inhibitions and enjoy it for what it is -- Not Final Fantasy -- they might find that they would enjoy the game far more than they think.
The game features various Square cameos as well as Disney, including Cloud (FFVII), Aerith (FFVII), Yuffie (FFVII), Sephiroth (FFVII), Squall/Leon (FFVIII), Selphie (FFVIII), Tidus (FFX), and Wakka (FFX).
The original PS2 Kingdom Hearts spawned an array of related media, including a PS2 sequel (due the fall of 2005), a sequel for the GBA entitled Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories, and a manga series. Who knows what the future will hold for this extremely popular franchise?
Julie is saving up for KH2 this fall.
521๐ 130๐
The two above are complete fucktards who wouldn't know a good game if it bit em in the ass....still playing E.T. for Atari 2600 eh, guys?
Kingdom Hearts is a fantastical PS2 game that combines to very different worlds and creates something awesome and unique. Quite frankly, it is one of the best games out there for all ages.
KH2 will be out this up about it in this month's Original Playstation Magazine..or OPM.
I'm going to go play Kingdom Hearts once more and relive its glory
534๐ 210๐
A pretty good game by Square-Enix with a humongous fanbase. The fanbase of this game alone could rival those of InuYasha, Naruto, Dragonball Z, and Full Metal Alchemist... combined.
Almost 75% of all fanart on deviantart is KH-related, and about 25% of this fanart gets enough favorites to appear on Today's Favorites. It's official.. KH has attracted more fangirls than all the previously popular animes combined, since people already loved Final Fantasy, and girls also love Disney. Combine these into one game - Kingdom Hearts - and you have a game that's loved by almost everyone.
About 95% of female anime artists on WILL make at least one fanart drawing of Kingdom Hearts characters that will appear on her gallery. The drawing will usually be of either Sora, Riku, Axel, or Roxas - sometimes more or all four of them. Who can blame them? KH is a fun game after all. Square-Enix are such geniuses..
106๐ 38๐
The best freakin' action-RPG ever. The above 3 guys are lamers that wouldn't know a good game if it ran them through with a sword and danced on their corpse.
I know now, without a doubt... Kingdom Hearts... is light! - Sora
117๐ 43๐
the best game on EARTH!!!!! An amazing game that has a very good selection of charecters some from final fantasy, for an example, cloud from final fantasy 7.Sora, the main charecter will be the one who opens the door to light.
"you will be the one who opens the door to light" that is one of the quotes from Kingdom Hearts.
54๐ 20๐