Source Code


1. Cute, excitable little female Final Fantasy VIII character.
2. Any girl who is cute, excitable, hyper, has funky (in a good way) hair (or at least 2 of the 4).
3. One who says booyaka constantly.

1. <Eddie> I heart Selphie. She is my fave FF char ever.
<me> Squall is hot.
2. <Eddie> Where the heck is that teenie bopper girl going? Who did her hair, the toaster?
<me> What a Selphie. Pity she's not cuter.
3. <me> (in triumph) BOOYAKA!
<Eddie> Quit celebrating, Selphie. Time for round two!

by Sim-1 March 17, 2006

40👍 18👎


1) Short, hyper, nunchaku-wielding Final Fantasy VIII character. Who likes trains.

2) Me.

1) My favorite character is Selphie!

2) I *am* Selphie. I like trains!

by Kei October 18, 2003

33👍 19👎


A great german twitch streamer and voice actress. She is everyone's goddess and has a soothing voice.

My queen Selphy went online on Twitch.
I think I have to Tier-3-Sub to Selphy on Twitch.

You are simping so hard for Selphy.

by selphysimp February 18, 2021