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Someone that likes being alone, and is happy with what they are. Often called freaks because the general population is too thinkheaded to understand the phrase "leave me the fuck alone"

He's such a loner, for some strange reason he doesn't want to have any friends.

by Broody January 29, 2004

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A person who is different by society, but is normal like everyone else. They prefer to be alone, but are just as smart as everyone else. They just prefer to be left is solitude.

1. A person who is unique and doesn't fit into any groups. (ex. punk, goth, cheerleader, jock, d***head, ect.) They are simply their own.

2. A person who society has labeled "unworthy of attention" or "different" or "retarded", when they are none. But they might not get happiness from society for turning them into freaks, leaving them friendless.

3) Someone who is wanted by everyone, but doesn't want to have to meet the excpectations.

If you see a loner, don't be a retard and make fun of them. Infact, you might be one yourself.

1. See that kid over there? He's cool, but he's a loner.

2. Haha, what are retarded loner, ooh he has a weird band shirt on! Let's beat him up!

3. Man, I would do ANYTHING to be his friend. Too bad he's a loner...

I'm a loner by society. Society can't take the fact that I am just myself. Screw society.

by Jinjondo June 16, 2011

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Someone who couldn't care to be around other people, or a massive crowd.

Jackson preferred to stay to himself, because he considers himself more loner than anything else.

by LFDN November 26, 2015

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A person who actually has alot of self-confidence. They are able to do such things like go and see a movie or a concert alone and aren't concerned about being seen as a "loser" by their fellow human beings.

People are also loners because they prefer their own company and get tired of people asking "why are you so quiet" whenever you actually do mix at a group function. They aren't afraid of silence and don't feel the need to flap their lips with other people simply just to make noise because silences between people is for some reason taboo.

They are also generally calm passive type of people who don't make enemies and get along with everyone. Unfortunately our personality type also makes the best serial killers, we are calm, cool headed, and methodical.

The world needs loners, we aren't freaks, we are the quiet peaceful achievers in society while the loudmouths get the spotlight.

We can mix in groups when we want to but find it forced and unnatural. You'll find we actually have quite strong opinions on matters since we have alot of time to sit and think over issues

by shadey81 August 25, 2008

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The Loner is a quiet creature. It has no one natural habitat, but is found usually on its own in a quiet place. The Loner is a solitary creature; the human counterpart to the Lone Wolf. Loners are subtle and charming, however they usually tend to be single simply because being a Loner mostly means that one does not have the care for another person or a group of friends. The Loner is rarely seen with more than 3 people at any time unless at a concert, dance, or other social gathering. Loners are usually very kind, as what small amounts of contact they have with others means a lot to them. The Loner doesn't rely on other people to define their existance. Things like school drama pose little more than entertainment to the Loner. Loners don't rely on others, and as a result are completely self-sufficient and know how to not look like a friendless loser when confronted with a situation with no friends around. Loners can be one's lifelong friend, voice of reason, and an all-around great person if someone took the few seconds and tried to be worthy of a Loner's precious time.

Cass: "Ooh, look, it's Chris...He's a bit of a Loner, don't you think?
Jen: "I think his way of doing his own thing makes him seem deep and not so average-douchebagish.."

Chris: *Keeps walking, totally keeping swag and solitude to the max, flashing a charming smile* "Hey."

by Bass_Drop_Biatch October 28, 2011

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A loner is a person who doesn't need any friends but often feels like he or she should because it's "normal" by the standards set arount him/her. Any social contact feels like a burden and is likely to be avoided at any time. A loner is not an asocial character and can be very entertaining in a group he or she feels comfortable in. The loner is very picky in his or her friends and does not trust people very easily, the people that he or she trusts are often liftime companions and are often the best of friends a person can have.
At work a loner is not always looked at as an loner as long as he or she is feeling happy about his or her job and often communicates with others very easily. The only problem comes to mind when those he or she works with want to become a social figure outside the work area, the loner usualy avoids contacts outside the work area.
When a loner finds a companion he or she loves intimate that person becomes a trustee and the loner tries to hold on to this relationship as long as possible.

My life as a Loner.
In my life so far I only felt in love once (im 28 right now) I met her at my job during the holidays, it was very hard for me to make contact with her. I was so afraid she would not like me and before I made any move whatsoever I needed to now if she liked me too. Luckily for me we had time to get to know each other and my selfconfidence grew by the days we worked together. One particular day I found the courage and asked her out for a date, she accepted and that led to a 3 year relationship.
We broke up 3 years ago and I felt betrayed and still feel like this to this day, but in my hart I know it's just me who's in the wrong.

by MKCoev February 24, 2008

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someone who doesn't need other people around them to validate there own existence.

if i cared what they thought, i would talk to them to reinforce their concept of reality.

by Truth Amongst Lies January 2, 2005

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