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Luis is a name. It can mean many things. It can mean he is nice, an idiot, smart, dumb, handsome, or very ugly. But the name is a name. It does not define you're personally or who you are. A name can't say what you are. So if you're a Luis, just be you. Be what you want to be.

An example of Luis? Nah. No need. Be the example my brother

by Some_ord.dude_oninternet October 21, 2018

653πŸ‘ 165πŸ‘Ž


Luis is a tall, dark and handsome. His eyes of tiger brown are catarizing. People often speak of the colour of eyes, as if that were of importance, yet his would be beautiful in any shade. From his eyes comes an intensity, an honesty and gentleness. His great spirit and noble ways earns him the title of a 'gentleman'. When you hear him speak you just wonder how lips would move in a sensual kiss. A private guy who knows what he wants and won't stop till he gets it. An awesome friend with a nice low voice which makes you feel comfortable when your talking to him. He brightens the room with his jokes, most are dirty and you can't help but stare at him when he laughs. He has a laugh that makes you forget all your worries. His a heart breaker who he would rather remain friends with his Ex's rather than lose their friendship. His the type of guy that appreciates every single moment he spends with you whether it's good or bad and will always drop anything he may be doing just for the sake of helping a friend. He loves soccer, nature, coffee, basketball, spanish food, hummus and birds. His addicted to gaming so his love life is on the decline. His in love with Hazel but she'd rather stay friends with him that way their friendship will last forever. A very loyal person who hates to be lied to, it takes him a while to get over it.

Luis will make an awesome boyfriend/husband if there are any women out there searching for a true gentleman, Luis is your man!.

Laura: "OMG, how hott is that guy over there?"
Hazel: "Yeh, his my friend Luis, go over and talk to him if you like, his really funny"
Laura: :"Nah, I'm too nervous, I'll probably trip and break my neck as soon as I approach him"

by Hazel 1988 August 28, 2017

200πŸ‘ 45πŸ‘Ž


The type of guy any girl would want. He's an amazing, kind, wonderful, cute guy who you just want to spend all day with. When your feeling in the blues, he'll sit there and listen to you for hours if it's necessary. The one where you can joke around with and be yourself. He's smart, kind, cute, funny, and the best friend any girl can have. Luis is that type of guy who when you talk to them it makes you smile or even just to think of them. Luis will be there for you whenever. He's the one who it would be hard to let go of. When you look at him for like 0.1 seconds you just want to smile and stare at forever. He's like a star, you sometimes see it, but you know it's always there and the one you can't live without. πŸ‘‘

Me: Man, he's right there.
Friend: C'mon. Go to him!
Me: Eh, Luis means perfection. He's to good to like somone like me...

by Loser794 May 26, 2019

85πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž


Sexy ass nigger

Luis is one of them fine latino niggers

by Farsun November 1, 2018

46πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


He is an BLakc AAfrian livin in da hood and he wrote dis.

"You livin in da hood?" Must be a Luis.

by Luis the Blackness November 15, 2018

49πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž



Luis is everything

by Boypengqjwh December 18, 2020

2πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


Luis is a mysterious Hispanic or Spanish guy. He’s usually pretty tall and insanely strong. He has the best work ethic when it comes to mental and physical training, not so much academics. He’s very street smart, but is sometimes associated with the wrong people. As a friend, Luis is a great free spirited personality, but is quite grouchy when he is tired or has a headache. He loves anime and is a bit of a weeb but he’s not too nerdy about it. He can be a jerk sometimes and he’s very popular. Unfortunately he acts like a bit of a bully to younger people but they look up to him and consider him a hero. You might have a crush on Luis because he’s ridiculously hot, but be careful. He has his heart set on one girl and he won’t ever leave her. Luis is full or surprises and is - for the most part - a great buddy to hang out with.

β€œHe’s so cool! But he’s kind of a jerk sometimes, it’s annoying!”
β€œThat’s Luis for ya.”

by theawkwardviolist November 24, 2018

74πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž