Source Code

The Dikembe Mutombo

Named after the NBA player.

Covering you penis with smuckers chocolate magic shell and letting it harden. Then make your girl give you a blow job and tell her to bite through the shell. When she attempts to do this smack her in the face and wag you pointer finger from side to side as Dikembe Mutombo does when blocking a shot in basketball.

Dude I totally ran out of codoms yesterday but my bro Montana from publix hooked me up with some chocolate magic shell and i did The Dikembe Mutombo to Kenny Soler's mom.

by George Clooney is ballin July 13, 2009

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Dikembe Mutombo

A retired Congolese American professional basketball player, last playing for the Houston Rockets of the NBA, now U.S. senator of Colorado. Mutombo at 7' 2", showed that he is still one of the most dominant big men in Congress, blocking a record 16 bills in one legislative session. Mutombo punctuated his final block, a clean rejection of the Criminal Justice Reinvestment Act, with his signature finger wag.

Sen 1: "This healthcare bill may not include the public option, however..."

Sen 2: "Get that weak-ass legislation out of my house!"

Sen 3: "He just Dikembe Mutomboed his punk ass."

by Parhelium February 28, 2010

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Dikembe Mutombo

A Center in the NBA from the Democratic Republic of Congo. His full name is: Dikembe Mutombo Mpolondo Mukamba Jean Jacque Wamutombo.
Nickname: Deke

Dikembe Mutombo speaks English, French, Spanish, Portuguese and five African dialects.

by -_- March 31, 2004

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Sad Mutombo

The awkward feeling of being able to feel another mans penis through the thin membrane that separates the vagina from the anus during the act of double penetration sex.

Brian and I double team this chick last night. He had a great time, I had a sad Mutombo.

by Angel & Dylan December 20, 2015

leo mutombo

A French YouTuber who uploaded videos of him singing songs to a potato camera. He then proceeded to spam these videos literally everywhere, which resulted in his video sur le pont de lยด alma getting over 200k views and his channel getting 1 million views in total.

He didn't monetize these videos, so then he went into comments of dozens of videos again where he would ask people to donate money to him. In January 2019 his channel got deleted due to violating the YouTube terms of service

Leo Mutombo is the strangest YouTuber I've ever seen

by leo mutombo January 10, 2019

Dikembe Mutombo

When you stick your dick and wave it back and forth in a woman's vagina as she's about to give birth, as means to block the child from entering the world.

"Aye yo, my boy Tug did a Dikembe Mutombo on his wife as she was trying to deliver!"

by Thug Roy February 8, 2022

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Dirty Mutombo

A variation of a dikembe mutombo, only difference is that you stick your finger in a womans anus before performing the mutombo.

Dude, i gave sum chick a dirty mutombo last night and now my finger stinks like buthole.

by kicking donkey October 4, 2006

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