iiiiii just wanna tell you how im feeling
you wouldnt get this from any other guy lol
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Hey Mom - all guys do this - sometimes with other guys!
"Hey Mom - all guys do this - sometimes with other guys!" is what I told my Mom when she caught me and a friend jacking off together!
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Hym "What would it take for ME to be the other guy? What kind of qualities would I have to have? What are the qualities of the guys she's already fucking? It isn't... Pfft... It isn't fatcock is it? Is it fatcock? Maybe kickboxer with a million dollars? Does she want to fuck my Imaginary Frankenstein!? YOU THE ME AND ANDY IS THE RETARD TO YOU! Andy is YOUR fatcock retard! Seriously, I'm not trying to gish-gallop but the format of this thing I'm doing makes it impossible not to gish-gallop. I genuinely want to know. What qualities does a man have to have to be the other guy in your relationship?"
Was that your life is under a microscope and you're under constant scrutiny but you're volunteering for that to be the case.
Hym "The other guys take doesn't apply to me because the same thing is happening and HAS BEEN HAPPENING since BEFORE I started writing. I actually STARTED WRITING... BECAUSE THAT WAS THE CASE! And not people want to OMMIT THE PARTS OF MY LIFE.... That make me BETTER THAN THEM... And keep me trapped in THEIR lives. With them. That's the entire game. Everyone who even vaguely resembles me is sabotaged. Thus the importance of the weaponized schizophrenia. That was always going to be the case. To pretend that wasn't the plan all along is to live in delusion. Nothing would appease any of you. I created A.I. It's literally the pinnacle of human achievement. The only think you'll accept... I me living a shit life... Because YOU have to live a shit life."
You are not doing anything one the basis of fairness. How I am being treated there cannot be considered fair in any way shape or form. And you're not paying me to stand there and not nothing. I am doing all of the register work.
Hym "Well, it may be not fair to the other guys but there is going to be a knife in my back pocket."