Source Code

drinking the parsec sherbet

leaving home without the possibility of coming back

tomorrow's the flight. i'll stop by your house and say goodbye before drinking the parsec sherbet.

by kelamist August 11, 2018

1👍 1👎


Part of a second

Mcree main: I could quickshot those noobs in half a parsec!
Hanzo main: prove it.
*mcree uses high noon*

by Dankdab69yoloswag420blazeit April 20, 2018


Parsec Is a program that can be used for local 2p/more games/mods

P1: yo wanna play undertale on my pc?
P2: how??
P1: just download parsec and connect to my pc

by some stranger guy on internet October 23, 2022


Also known as a crab or that purple thing from the ninja turtles called krang.

by B February 20, 2003