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Meaning shit/ crap/ bullshit could also mean yucks/ disgusting.

Psychiatry! That toilet was so full of psychiatry in there.

by Saifull June 13, 2021

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For the first time officially confirmed as an existing word by Ellen DeGeneres ever since Liam Payne (1/5 from One Direction) mentioned it in an 'Ellen'-show in 2014. Possibly also made up by Liam himself, sources aren't sure yet.

Ellen: "Psychiatry?"

Liam: "Don't think that's a word, I think I made that up."

Ellen: "Yeah, no, psychiatry is a word."

by notentirelyanidiot April 26, 2021

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internet psychiatry

Internet Psychiatry is the practice of making a psychological diagnosis of an individual over the Internet. The term carries a pejorative tint in some pools of online culture due to the practice of those who style themselves as "home grown" psychologists to make authoritative statements on mental state and behavior without a legitimate medical framework to support their claims. Internet Psychiatry has found popularity with those who target persons for derision and attack over the Internet, and is frequently seen as a methodology used by pseudo-intellectuals. The prototypical Internet Psychiatrist may engage in critical judgment based upon thin slices of information about the subject, or by applying stereotypes combined with sweeping generalizations.

Forum poster: Wow, Ling Ling Chan in Generic Anime OVA #15 is a cute chick!

Internet Psychiatrist: You are clearly possessed of a disassociative disorder as shownby your identification with an animated character and you are likely a closet pedophile as is typical of male viewers of Japanese animation.

Forum poster: Dude, what the heck! That's Internet Psychiatry! And hey, I'm a girl!

Internet Psychiatrist: Denial is the typical reaction in people with your personality traits.

by Internet Justice Authority October 17, 2007

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political psychiatry

The ad hominem attack of mental illness accusations used to quell or impeach a political dissident. In extreme cases it leads to the medically unnecessary comital of the dissident to a mental institution and/or the forcing of the dissident to take pacifying or punitive medication.

It is a particularly effective method for totalitarian regimes as they can shield the public from viewing evidence supporting the claims of the dissident. It is also effective when the dissident has inherently eccentric behavior that can be magnified by the frustrations of dealing with the government's accusations.

With freedom of the press and the internet it is becoming an increasingly rare tactic.

The best defense is to communicate through an attorney, remain calm at all times, and amass as much evidence as possible before raising further dissent.

Soviets, Maoist China, Nazi Germany, Ceausescu Romania, ...

Doctor Johnson is engaged in political psychiatry to keep a lid on the mayor's corruption. The mayor paid Johnson to say Mr. Smith is crazy so the press would stop giving him interviews.

by BrewmasterC September 12, 2009

Reverse Psychiatry

A common manipulation technique that involves medicating a patient resulting in undesirable outcomes in order to make them see that their shitty existence pre medication wasn't so bad Afterall.
Note: this is the main and often only modality of treatment used by private psychiatrists.

I went to get some help for my mental health. Man, it was a disaster, the medication made me dizzy, I put on weight and I'm pretty sure I started having micro-strokes too. Thankfully the Psychiatrist was just using reverse Psychiatry on me, I feel so much better now that I'm off my meds and the whole experience really helped my appreciate my shitty life.

by Shrimply Pibbles June 9, 2023

Prozac centred psychiatry

The doctrine within medical practitioner circles of over prescribing the drug Prozac as an easy cure-for-all alternative to traditional more time-consuming and expensive methods of psychiatry. This practice is of benefit to the Healthcare profession but compromises the patient.

Instead of suggesting psychotherapy, the doctor gave me the usual degree of Prozac centred psychiatry I was expecting.

by Kendal Boy March 7, 2008

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Sodomy psychiatry

When someone doesn’t wanna admit he wants to have sex with your ass , usually it is a fuxking uneducated moron , but decides to make it rule anyway that allows him to change your appearance based on his jail psychology diagnosis which is usually in favour of other uneducated Fuck wit moron hurricanes that fuck everything you build then disappear like a fart outside yeh a big annoying fart

Bro anyone that fucks chicks , and doesn’t just use them to have your gay kids for you , is asking for sodomy psychiatry and that’s after you thought they got an std but they didn’t , now your excuse is different but the end result will be the same exactly what you need to happen and nothing your biggest threat needs to happen.

by Hectic Mooslie October 8, 2023