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Macho Man Randy Savage and Hulk Hogan

When you and your friend get in a fight, and the shorter one comes out on top screaming OHHHHH YEAAAAAAA

Man I like how at the party last night you pulled the old Macho Man Randy Savage and Hulk Hogan act.

by Guts The Slayer June 18, 2016

randy macho man savage

the act of buying a Slim Jim beef jerky stick, then shoving it up your partner's ass, and either her, or him, poop it out, and you eat it as it comes out, and when you finish you go, "OOOHHHHH YEEEEEEEAH"

Shara gave Michelle a randy macho man savage last night after they purchased some slim jim's at the local seven eleven.

by Eduardo De loa la espanlana osvoaldo locutus October 13, 2006

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The Randy Savage

A very illegal drug. A mix of bleach, marijuana, meth, and heroine. Its possible to smoke it or shoot it up.

Dude, you tried to kill me and your family after you did some of The Randy Savage.

by QLAZARRUS666 August 11, 2011