Source Code


When someone:
1. is scared
2. just got joked on and they don't have a comeback
3. thinks they're bomber than they really are
4. believes something ridiculous
5. is acting hekka weird

1. Man, you're gonna take that? You're rattled.
2. Oooh she got you.. you aint got nothin to say. You're rattled!
3. Shut up foo, you are not hott. You're straight rattled.
4. That cow did not just jump over the moon.. man you're rattled.
5. This foo is hella rattled. What is wrong wit him??

by wutupshawty July 11, 2008

17πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž


distracted, frazzled, like too many things going. possibly too many good things

Anytonym of composed

Jake was so rattled when he talked to Jane.

by J.A.K.E. October 14, 2009

5πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


to be shaken or stirred from a comment or event that someone has directed at you or someone else. Can be used in a tense where you put rattled with something that can be rattled.
i.e. you rattled my cage

Fabian: yo man, your a cheese ball
Ryan: yo man thats not cool, im slightly rattled
Fabian: yo, im sorry man... JOKES your a whore
Ryan: stop rattling my cage bro

by The Adams Family March 5, 2010

3πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


When you are angry or very mad.

I'm so rattled right now.

Wow, Im so fucking Rattled.

by Austinxox May 28, 2009

1πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


Usually a term drug addicts use when they are desperate for their next fix & are withdrawing.

"You any gear mate? I'm rattling like a bottle of pills here'

'Shit, this is brutal, I'm rattling away like a bag of spanners'

by Jungle_Juice August 22, 2008

71πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Rattled It

When you fail miserably at a task or act nervously or someone has put you in your place verbally making you feel embarrassed.

Person 1: Hey mate, I hope you haven’t eaten those oranges I left on the side ?

Person 2: Are you serious ? I’ve eaten at least 3 of them.

Person 1: Oiiiiiii you’ve rattled it !!!! They were mouldy and full of maggots.

Person 2: I have rattled it to be honest.

by Rallisman November 10, 2020

18πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


Upset, Shocked, In disbelief, frustrated, RATTLLEDDD!

Usually occurs when something happens a person did not expect or can't believe happened.
When someone gets rattled be sure to call them out on it, usually receiving a response similar or equal to: I'm not rattled!

Yelling rattled in the person's face or shaking your hand back and forth adds to the effect.

Man, we were playing ... last night and Scott got so rattled after he lost!

by Crossed April 13, 2010

58πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž