A hilarious flash cartoon series, created by David Lovelace. Viewable at Newgrounds. Better than Happy Tree Friends.
"If there's a rusty coat hanger in there...I got an idea for a game."
56👍 17👎
Very funny, yet equally gross, cartoon about three year old animals and their adventures through life. Comes equipped with foul language. And that little hampsters obsessed with Bruce Willis.
"Santa, O Dark One, I'll whisper, not shout. Please give me my gun, I won't shoot my eye out."
39👍 14👎
"Yippy-ki-yay, motherfuckers!" *shoots AK*
266👍 131👎
Retarded Animal Babies is a site of newgrounds.com which is very amusing. Sadly, epiodes aren't being made anymore, but if you watch ANY of them (might be good to start at the top and work to the end to get the jokes) its pant-pissing hilarious. Anything these little critters say is quotable material. Everything.
"I swear to christ I'll assrape you with rusty corncob holders!"
79👍 37👎
A person who huffs computer duster, paint, etc.; also, the product of two people who huff same
Jack didnt remember half of our conversation - he's such a retarded huffer baby.
Jack and Jill, those notorious drug users, just had a retarded huffer baby.
The child of a retard who was raped by another retard.
They could tell from the weird curvature of Michaeline's fucked-up lips that she was conceived as a retard rape baby.
7👍 5👎
A baby who was conceived because the condom broke and the parents dont give a fuck about the poor kid:(
Nelly: hey is that your retard baby? Dad: yeah ill throw him off the balcony tonight so fuck off. Nelly:bro im calling cps!!!!