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Derogatory equivalent of "chink" for Western eyes from Eastern perspective. The eyes are so deeply indented that that area looks scooped out using an ice cream scoop perhaps as God made Man with clay.

What's that saying in church..... God made Blacks because He fell asleep during cooking and accidentally overcooked them in the oven. Hence so much turmoil and tribulation throughout Black history as if God abandoned them. God made Whites because He got impatient and undercooked them. That's why Whites have stereotypical superiority complex - a way to overcompensate for inadequacies i.e. being undercooked. God made Asians because He cooked them just right - was attentive during cooking. That's why they're stereotypically wise beyond their years - fully developed. When a kid comes from loving parents/God, there's no need to strive to impress others or to push yourself; you're happy and content where you are. Turtling becomes your nature. Instead of conquering the world like British Empire to overcompensate for being undercooked, you focus on leisure activities such as fireworks and printing press because you already have everything in your Middle Kingdom.

Scoop: like Scooby Doo's big nose - stereotypical Western nose.

Also, synonym for "spook" since Whites are so pale that they look dead like walking corpses or ghosts.

What Whites call Blacks in America are what Chinese call Whites in China: spooks/ghosts, monkeys etc. Monkeys in China have yellow fur or blond hair.

Person 1: Hey Chinkie
Person 2: Hey Scoopie
Person 1: What's cracking?
Person 2: Your skin, under the sun, for being undercooked. Don't blame me. Blame God, the master chef.

Who's that scoop who thinks he's azn? The boy is as white as they cum.

Vampires are white people because their skin burns in daylight.
Werewolves are black people because like in the films/books, they're animalistic and enslaved by vampires.
Humans are Asians.

by ScoopSpookedScoobyDoo November 26, 2011

176๐Ÿ‘ 157๐Ÿ‘Ž


v. To concede a game. A losing player is said to 'scoop' up all of his pieces.

After I took Feldy's queen, he scooped.

by RHFiend June 23, 2005

110๐Ÿ‘ 100๐Ÿ‘Ž


To pick up; as in pick up from a place and go with.

I'm gonna come by that house/bar and scoop you.

by shona215 May 7, 2009

20๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž


v. To get to something before someone else. Comes from the news business.

I scooped Bungalow H. Bill with the definition for piece.

by The Grammar Nazi December 10, 2001

24๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž


The act of farting while behind another person, quickly forming your hand into a cup, reaching around and scooping the stinky air into the other person's face. As you do it, you yell SCOOP!

I gave my girlfriend the scoop and she hasn't fucked me for a couple of days!

The other night at the bar, I scooped my buddy and he puked!

by Yoda September 24, 2003

36๐Ÿ‘ 40๐Ÿ‘Ž


to acquire illicit drugs (i.e. heroin) on the street-corner.

"I was jonesin' and it took forever to scoop."

by shady bill August 3, 2004

21๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž


its a slang term round certain parts, meaning to go 4 an alcoholic beverage! usually in pint form!

fancy a couple ov scoops down the eagle?

by Dean32 August 10, 2006

20๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž