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liquid somersault

the act of performing a somersault either nude or clother whilst urinating

Jesus christ Shawn that was a wicked cool liquid somersault you just did. You got piss on everything.

by Happy Long May 16, 2009

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San Antonio Somersault

Sex position whereby receiving partner starts in head-tucked somersault position with inserting partner behind culminating with a push off into a full somersault after blown load.

"She's not a gymnast but her favorite position is the San Antonio Somersault."

by Hat and Spurs December 21, 2018

south stands somersault

When one consumes a little too much beer at a Denver Broncos game and takes a 4th quarter tumble down the stairs.

Miller threw down about 14 Coors Lights and did a south stands somersault on his way to the restroom.

by broncos2016 March 2, 2016

Somersaulting Cheese Factory

A Somersaulting Cheese Factory is the slang term for a turn in a game, usually a card game gone/going out of control, or going on for a extended period of time.

A person who is known for performing ludicrous and extended turns in strategy and luck games.

Hey dude have you seen Mike? The mans a Somersaulting Cheese Factory!”

by Alias John Parry October 5, 2021

Minnesota somersault

The sexual act of folding the penis in half and proceeding to have anal, oral, or vaginal sex with the folded penis

"Dude I totally banged her using the minnesota somersault last night."

by Big cock Calvin April 6, 2020