Coined from the animated film Rango, starring Johnny Depp, an Alabama Squeeze Box is when two men simultaneously perform bowel movements into both a woman's vagina and asshole.
"Hey chaps, lets do an Alabama Squeezebox on Susannah and then follow it up with some Space Dock Fondue!"
"I say, old fellow! That sound's positively delightful!"
75👍 31👎
(n. collective)
the group of people that adore, support, and interact with squeezebox.
hey, who's going to help squeezebox move?
dude... put the word out to squeezebox nation.
9👍 7👎
When two homosexual males are both "bottoms" and they must thrust asses together until climax.
The male scissor.
If it were not for the vegan squeezebox, Dylan would never ejaculate.
16👍 118👎
In computer science: inefficient compression <-> expansion of data in order to accommodate inconsistent abstractions or interfaces. See also regifting.
Geek: Your new module takes an comma-separated string of names of objects while the rest of the system uses lists.
Meek: Squeezeboxing - my bad.