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An action or strategy carefully planned to achieve a specific end.

Here is my tactic on how we can win the next competition.

by BoboTheChase October 3, 2023


The idea of taking a crap before you go out to makes sure you dont have to crap in a dingy public bathroom

P1: we should get going now

P2: wait i need to take a tactical first before we leave

by mcniece_racing March 27, 2011

20👍 26👎


The threat or action of doing bodily harm to someone, usually with bare hands.

Dude, you'd best get outta my grill before I go tactical on 'yo ass.

by Cletus January 13, 2004

19👍 55👎


1. A word to define the process of taking a hurried, strategically timed wank with the sole intention of cramming as many 'tacticals' into your day as possible.

2. Can also be used to relieve sexual pressure a short while before a nervously anticipated meeting with a girlfriend or figure of sexual interest.


guy 1: where's Fred?
guy 2: gone for another tactical, my kleenex supply is diminishing at a worrying rate because of that obsessive bastard..


Guy 1. You all set to meet Juliet?
Guy 2. What if i get a boner? she's bound to see! she'll never even look at me again!
Guy 1: Alright then, you can take three minutes out on the tram and have a quick tactical but you'll have to be speedy!

by HelvedSnooty April 13, 2012

5👍 17👎

Fight tactics

a calculated action, move or strategy one or both partners may use as leverage designed to gain a specific advantage or to end an argument or disagreement.

Jo overheard her boyfriend Byron tell his boys to get out of an argument your fight tactics have to be on point.

by Starving Artist246 August 16, 2021

Fight tactics

A manipulative action, move or ploy used by one partner in a fake love relationship as leverage to gain the upper hand in winning and ending an argument or disagreement without resolving anything. It’s toxic mind fuckery 101 with an agenda and a lot of sex. But after the manipulative game of mind fuckery and unlimited sex is over add this to the list of issues or problems in the relationship to argue or disagree about the next time.

You two sound like you’re on a fake love roller coaster ride with all this back and forth shit? You like your ass is stuck in a revolving door you don’t know how to get out of?

She uses crying as her fight tactics and once I see the water works I’m done until we start up again. The unlimited sex I’m getting is good it may be worth getting stuck in this revolving door.

by Starving Artist246 November 8, 2021

Fight tactics

A manipulative action, move or ploy one partner may use as leverage to gain the upper hand in winning or ending an argument or disagreement without resolving anything.

Jalen: Myckael you have to be able to beat Jennelle at her own game.
Myckael: Jalen you don’t know Jennelle she uses crying as her fight tactics and once I see the water works I’m done.

by Starving Artist246 November 1, 2021