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The two most sexiest men on earth, Sam has awesome hair and is a soft lil boy, Dean however will tell you straight forward you look like a clown, he like doing drunk karaoke and doesn’t get rejected often. He has a secret love relationship with the angel Castiel and won’t let anything happen to him (kinda cute ngl)


Dean (squirrel)- *pulls down pants* “PUDDING!!”

Sam (moose)- “I’m Sam f*cking Winchester

Castiel (feathers)- *drinks entire liquor store*

by Hola Misha-migos April 6, 2021


A town in Hampshire in which the presence of an expensive school means that students of said school think they are incredibly posh and residents not attending this school think they are from coal-mining families in South Shields when in fact most of them, students and non-students, are just varying degrees of middle-class

Winchester College student: "No, let's not go to McDonald's, all the chavs will have just finished school."

Non-student:"Don't you hate those posh twats from the College? They think they own the place just because they're upper-class."

by admiralsnackbar January 13, 2011

84👍 45👎


A small city in Hampshire in the south of the UK. Famous for its cathedral, Winchester College, and was prevoiusly the capital of England, under King Alfred.

The rifle and the American town are named after Winchester

I live in Winchester.

by dcl211293 March 10, 2010

80👍 47👎


Living one's life like Sam and Dean Winchester from the CW's Supernatural. Winchestering includes, but is not limited to:
Obsessively and lovingly maintaining and driving an old muscle car
Going on long road trips with a sibling and/or close friend in said car
Having angsty moments that make teenage girls obsess over you
Eating at diners and ordering cheeseburgers. Every time.
Keeping a large arsenal of weapons, charms, herbs, plants, and other things that may help hunt the things that go bump in the night with you at all times
Locking the King of Hell in your trunk
Summoning demons and making deals with them
Drinking heavily
Listening to classic rock
Messing things up with good intentions
Putting family before blood

Stacy: Hey, did you hear?
Mark: Hear what?
Stacy: Trevor's mom died. He took her old Mustang, got it tuned up, and hit the road with a bottle of whiskey.
Mark: Looks like he's going Winchestering.

by Abbidon July 21, 2014

5👍 2👎


A Winchester is a person who retells the same jokes over and over again. It started off as a nickname for a person (We'll call him Dev) who would repeat the same jokes on a regular basis, especially on a Jokes page on Facebook. The name comes from the lever-action rifle of that name - this was often called a 'Winchester Repeater'. The nickname stuck and even to repeat a joke now is met with claims of 'Winchester!'

Winchester! You told us that joke about 3 months ago.

That's a Winchester - heard it before.

by billauk July 12, 2013

24👍 15👎


A ridiculously posh city in Hampshire. You think Chandlers Ford is posh, until you meet the families that live in Winchester.

It's a scale.. the closer you get to Winchester the posher it gets. The closer to Eastleigh, the chav-ier it gets.

Advice if your ever going to Winchester is to go to 'Buddy's Diner'. Wondrous food in there, so it is.

The main street has got great shops on it too! (Well, it used to. About, say, half are Bankrupt...)

"Mother! Mother! Come help me, quick! My boot has fallen off! Oh Mother, come help, quick, our £5000 dog Rupert is eating my £500 designer bootie!" - Children in Winchester

"Coming Henrietta-Gurtelquad Regindoola!" - Mothers in Winchester

"Everything the light touches is Peter Symmonds... but that dark space, well, that's Eastleigh. Ugh, how common. And those simply ghastly ragamuffins from Barton Pevril..." - Students in Winchester

by MemeShock March 4, 2013

20👍 14👎


Winchester is the best town in New Hampshire also it is the worst. Crime rates are high because of the small police force. also has reputation for incest. kids would rather get drunk in the woods than go to school this is why the high school in town shut down.

Me- hey wanna go to winchester?
You- why would i ever go there i dont want to be seen there

by Dukes79 May 25, 2010

28👍 29👎