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Ting ting

She’ll get knocked up by her ex, marry you to cover it up, then divorce you for your cousin. She’ll keep the name Ting ting because she believes she’s sweet, innocent, and cute. In all reality, she’s a liar and a closet hoe. She’ll have extravagant taste but drown in debt to keep up with appearances. She’ll have her in laws do her homework because she doesn’t know the content herself. Yet, she’ll claim she’s intelligent and wear only her school gear because she needs that attention to feel validated. There is the long jaw that protrudes, making her a butter face but not to worry, her ex-husband’s insurance will pay to fix it all up so she can better make out with his cousin. She lives with her parents who also parents her kids because she doesn’t know how to do that herself. She’ll tell you you’re wrong when in reality, this is a 15 year old in a mid-30s old body making semi-adult money. So she doesn’t know how to live life until she destroys everyone in her path.

Have you seen Sorina?

Oh you mean, ting ting?
Yea! She was last leaving with her ex’s cousin after the holiday party- to a hotel.

by teaDM December 22, 2021

Ting Ting

To own above all ownes.

The soccer player hooked the ball around the goalie for the wining goal.

Soccer player - " I just ting tinged that goalie!"

by free email October 9, 2009

21👍 34👎

Ting Ting

An annoying child who always does the wrong things

OMG Ainslie that girl is such a Ting Ting. Who even does that?

by isawyz July 4, 2015

5👍 7👎

Ting Ting

The wonderful male sex organ.

Ting Ting! (often said by toddlers and grown men alike as they play with their peinis.

Ting Ting!!! (Said when things get of a guy: for example creating a large explosion might make a guy go Ting Ting!)

by Oxytoxin September 24, 2008

28👍 71👎

Ting ting

Peter Capaldi fan. Created by a middle aged woman who said fans only liked him because they had a 'ting ting' for him.

Person 1: I'm a ting ting!
Person 2: What's that?
Person 1: A Peter Capaldi fan. It's easier to say that rather than Peter Capaldi fan.

by Letme_bebrave January 31, 2016

2👍 2👎

Ting Ting

A young child who always does the exact opposite of whatever you tell them to do, no matter what you say.

Anna is a cute little girl, but she is SUCH a Ting Ting.

by abear15 July 4, 2015

6👍 12👎

Ting Ting

One who is a punk bitch and mostly useless. Very irritating and has a cum-dumpster attitude. Very whore-like and unlikeable by all. Completely and utterly useless to all. Not one positive use at all.

"I totally saw a Ting Ting last night at the club man, just sitting there being utterly useless."

"It must be an embarrassment to be a Ting Ting"

by STFU721721 May 25, 2009

18👍 55👎