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Work place banter. The sort of inane chat at the start of a Teams or Zoom call about whether or not you watched the Commonwealth Games at the weekend. It's not the greatest chat, but it's a necessary part of the world of work.

That's enough wanter for now, let's get on with the meeting

We had some great wanter at the start of the all hands meeting, I never knew Sharon used to be a beach volleyball player.

by chief wanter officer August 3, 2022


A term used to describe the inane chat at the start of virtual meetings, a combining of the words workplace banter. Typically covering the weather, sport or an amusing item spotted in someones background.

Zero wanter on that last call, he just chatted about SEO for an hour

Great wanter on the all-hands call. I never knew Sharon played beach volleyball

by chief wanter officer August 4, 2022