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The act of wanting water and just combining the words.

I'm thirsty but idk what to get to drink since I don't wanter.

by Iomai May 17, 2013

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People who say wanter are people with speech problems who can't say 2wanker

oh my dod u futting wanter

by cristoferrrrrrrr November 28, 2006

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A person that wants everything.

Usual phrases heard from a wanter:

gimme gimme gimme

can i have one, pllllllease?

can i keep this?

can i borrow this?

come on just let have this?

do you have a doller?

i wont be your friend

oh, buy me this so i can remember you

you don't need that so can i have it?

if you dont let me keep this i wont be your friend.

you get the idea

by am7777 February 26, 2005

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Warm Wanter

1. Someone who lives in a cold region of the world who secretly hopes for Global Warming to accelerate.
2. The anti-scientific feeling you get in Michigan when it snows -- AGAIN -- in late April or early October.
3. A surrender to climatic selfishness at the expense of global environmental collapse.

John became a Warm Wanter after it snowed on Earth Day -- April 22 -- for the fourth year in a row!

by Peter Kobs May 18, 2009

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A name you give to an older or younger sibling who gets everything he/she wants, no matter what it is. Often used when angry at said sibling.

"Oh my God, Lauren, you are such a getter-wanter!"

by lynn-z September 21, 2007

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attention wanter

A bitch that always want to impress her friends but is really a dick rider

Khyia is a attention wanter and a dick rider

by Unknown dick rider April 8, 2016


Work place banter. The sort of inane chat at the start of a Teams or Zoom call about whether or not you watched the Commonwealth Games at the weekend. It's not the greatest chat, but it's a necessary part of the world of work.

That's enough wanter for now, let's get on with the meeting

We had some great wanter at the start of the all hands meeting, I never knew Sharon used to be a beach volleyball player.

by chief wanter officer August 3, 2022