Source Code

Period Apology

That moment when you apologize for your period or period symptoms – even though you sure as heck shouldn’t.

Your period is a natural part of you, so let’s ditch the Period Apology, shall we?

by #NoApologiesPeriod June 8, 2021

apology rape

when someone corners you and forces you to listen to their ridiculously out of touch self centered apology that does nothing especially when they will certainly repeat the same actions that led to the unwanted situation or results (having already done so many times)

ah man that boomer apology raped Theresa for 35 minutes about how he has a condition and couldn't help her sort those 3lb boxes in the stock room.

by TheClockJokerX April 19, 2021

rapist's apology

When someone "apologizes" by saying something along the lines of "I don't remember doing this/it happening like that, but if I did do that I'm sorry."
Basically it's when someone fakes their way out of an apology so they can feel better about themselves.

"Did you confront Amy about what she said about you?"
"Yeah, she tried to get out of it with a rapist's apology but I didn't let her get away with it."

by maraspopheacj July 29, 2018

Proud Man's Apology

When someone suddenly starts acting very nice to someone after doing something wrong, instead of actually apologising.

Sam: "Mike humiliated me in front of my girl! He's tried to be extra nice since, but he never apologised"
Paul: "That's a Proud Man's Apology, some guys don't know how to say the word sorry"

by andyBwilson May 22, 2020

Apology burrito

The ultimate sorry of sorrys: a burrito as a vessel for an apology reserved only for the most dire situations. A tortilla, beans, rice and more as a way to embody the most considerate yet respectful sorry.

Bitch complained that I couldn’t let her sleep so I tossed her an apology burrito.

by BeepBoopMan June 18, 2022

Ass Apology

A kind of apology that makes you wanna slap you friend across the face. They take this apology so sarcastically, they sound like an ass when they say it.

Karen is such an ass, she gave her boyfriend Justice an ASS APOLOGY.

by Bombshells hair salon bitch March 8, 2015

strickland apology

A sincere apology followed by a genuine threat on the other person.

The Strickland apology: “I’ll apologize, I’ll even take back what I said. I’ll remove posts, I’ll kill you and ruin your life and mine way before we step into the cage” -Strickland

by Panderift June 6, 2024