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asexual break

It's when a person decides to temporarily take a break from labeling their sexuality. It can occur when one is confused as to what they identify as. This time is to better get to know oneself without outward disturbance. A person can exit this stage when they have found what respectful sexuality/gender they are. Temporary asexuality

"Hey! That boy/girl is really hot, you guys should go out!"
No, I am on an asexual break."

by #1 bangtan fan May 15, 2019

1πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Pan-Romantic Asexual

1. Adjective: A group which is open to members of all sexual orientations or gender identities including straight, gay, lesbian, bisexual, transexual, or transvestite.

2. Noun: A person who is sexually interested in other people regardless of gender including males, females, transexuals, tansvestites, gender benders, hermaphrodites, intersexuals, androgenous people.

Synonyms: omnisexual


a person who is not interested in or does not desire sexual activity, either within or outside of a relationship. asexuality is not the same as celibacy, which is the willful decision to not act on sexual feelings. asexuals, while not physically sexual-type folks, are none the less quite capable of loving, affectionate, romantic ties to others.

Attracted to all sexes in a romantic way.

Pan-Romantic Asexual:
Attracted to all sexes in a romantic way, but not necessarily in a sexual way. Used by asexuals instead of biromantic to disregard the idea that there are only two sexes.

- So you're dating a girl?
~ No, he's a guy.
- But she was born a girl?
~ He's female to male transgender, and I love him.
- So if he gets the surgery to get a penis, you'll have sex with him?
~ No, I'm pan-romantic asexual. I love hearts not parts, but I don't want to have sex.

by broken_angel July 2, 2015

235πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž

Asexuals Invade Denmark

There is an estimated 76,000,000 asexuals worldwide.

The current population of Australia is 24.5 million people.


The Troll tracer machine from the South Park funny show is from Denmark, so asexuals invade Denmark! πŸ‡©πŸ‡°

by Whatsit2yaa May 4, 2022

Demi-Panromantic Asexual

The Demi part means that you're not romantically attracted to people unless you form a strong bond with them. Therefore, when you see random people or whatever, you don't feel attracted to them unless you fall for their personality after you get to know them. So, you don't really get "crushes" like most people do.

The Panromantic part means that if/when you fall for someone, they could be any gender, meaning that you could be attracted to any gender or gender identity.

The Asexual part means that you're never attracted to people sexually and you don't desire sexual interactions like making out, having sex, that stuff.

They're Demi-Panromantic Asexual

by Queerweerty August 10, 2017

170πŸ‘ 114πŸ‘Ž

Ur grandpa asexual

Even worse than ur mom gay and ur dad lesbian and ur granny trannie combined. Every time someone says it 200 random non asexual grandpas die.

Joe "My grandpa died suddenly"
Bob"Did someone say 'ur grandpa asexual' again!?"

Joe "What have you done!?"
*Non-asexual grandpas death noises*

by The shitpope March 12, 2018

80πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž

demi-polyromantic asexual

Demi meaning that you only experience romantic/sexual attraction once a strong emotional bond has been formed. Demi-romantic people don't get crushes on people they've known for a day or two. You become friends first and then possibly develop a crush on them.

Polyromantic meaning attracted to more than two genders, but not all of them. Someone could be romantically attracted to all genders except for males and be polyromantic. Identifying as polyromantic implies that your romantic orientation isn't the same as your sexual orientation

Asexual meaning does not experience sexual attraction. This, however, means you can still experience romantic attraction. Asexuality is also the lack of desire to preform sexual acts. But, there can be sex-positive, sex-neutral, and sex-repulsed asexuals. Sex-positive asexuals like sex but still don't experience sexual attraction. Someone could like the physicality of sex or could think it's a good way to pass time. Sex-neutral asexuals would have sex to please their partner but couldn't careless is they had sex or not. Sex-repulsed asexuals do not like sex and they would not want to have sex whether their partner wants to or not. Some sex repulsed asexuals even hate the thought of sex.

Greg is Demi-Polyromantic Asexual

by Catherine LaClaire December 5, 2017

13πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


A Brandon(Asexual) is a person who is in love with Cars. And he will be the only person to help you when you need help with cars. Also since he is asexual he doesn’t have any girl problems and only focuses on his future.

You: Hey is that Brandon(Asexual) ?
Friend: Yea that’s him
You: I need to ask him something about a car.
Friend: Yea he is good for that

by ZavalaShouldveDied November 24, 2020

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