Source Code


A programming language developed around 2000 by Microsoft that makes you want to slit your wrists.

Me an intellectual: I absolutely hate C#, I'm amazed why people even hire C# programmers.

by lolfunnyxd November 20, 2019

14πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

the C

THe C is the fugly ist little B-otch who once made love to her best friend Shwanger. IT is crazy and wants to love anything even resenbling a male human. The C is really more of a concept...

You are about as fugly as The C!!

by Aaron Beninstine July 11, 2004

13πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž


The 3rd Letter of the alphabet

C for Caleb

C for Cat

C for Cup

What’s the most weirdest letter to you?

C probably

by Ξ‘ January 24, 2022

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It means money and it's derived from the Roman Numeral "C" which is the equivalent of 100.

I might flip a C-note and make a CC.

by theurbanrenaissanceman June 27, 2019

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c no

abbreviation for the word "casino"

Ant: Yo my brotha we out to the c no today?!?

Kp: Aww yeahh lets go get that paper at the c no!

by Antmoneypaper August 23, 2013

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Short for C**t, it is a word you call your mate.

Often referred to as a Big C.

Mark: I read loads of bro-shores
Joe: Bro-shores!? It's brochures, you Big C!
Mark: No! It's forrod!
Joe: YOU BIG C!!!

by JokeyJoe October 26, 2010

16πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž


smiley face, ( created by me), much better than all other symbols like =, xD, =D, and especially than "lol". Use it to show u are happy or whatevr C=

Pro: m@n, u sux at that game
u: C= ,whatever

by s7oen4a April 23, 2006

25πŸ‘ 47πŸ‘Ž