Source Code

Danger Boner

Anticipation for rush of adrenaline and excitement from participating in risky behavior, not a literal boner.

Jenny love's skydiving for both the adrenaline rush and the huge danger boner before the jump.

by DaveCorpUSA July 15, 2014

Dangerous Cult

See The Church of Scientology.

Damn! That's one Dangerous Cult!

Oh hell! He fell for that dangerous cult...In about a week he won't have any money....

by /Kick/ April 20, 2008

danger fists

A little known fighting style involving:
1) Raising both arms in the air as if you were a pterodactyl.
2) Swinging your fists without bringing your arms any closer together.

This technique is highly effective when employed by drunken brawlers, angry nine-year-olds, and those who are possessed by insurmountable rage.

1) After nine or ten goblet-fulls of crunk juice, Jack was ready to start throwing his danger fists around.

2) When the birthday clown got in Timmy's face, he planted his danger fists in the clown's crotch.

3) Danger fists crash landed in Frank's face because he simultaneously broke John's Xbox 360 and HDTV.

by nginko1 June 10, 2009


To perform or simulate masturbation in a situation where it would not be wise to do so.

"hey is that guy scratching his crotch in a nursery?"
"aww man thats a danger-wank right there"

"did you hear about those guys that got arrested for indecent exposure?"
"they call it that, but it was just the danger-wank tournament"

by GSD Ste V B June 13, 2006

57๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž

Danger Kitty

1) A woman that's extremely sexy without knowing it or thinking it about herself. 2) The smoking HOT neighbor, with movie star looks, that's as nice as can be.
3) "MILF & Cookies"
4) A GOOD Girl that "could" be as NAUGHTY as she looks. ...But no one knows for sure.
5) A woman that dresses classy & sexy, but looks like she wants to fuck right now!

"How much you want to bet that Librarian is a Danger Kitty?"

by Mr. 1derful February 14, 2009

17๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

danger wank

While your jerking off, as your about to cum, shout down for your mother. The real game now begins, a race between you and your mum, you have to cum, clean up and pull up your pants before she enters the room.

a good timer is asking for a cup of tea before you start

Guy 1: "Dude, i tried a danger wank last night, it went horribly wrong"

Guy 2: "DDDDDuuuuuuuuuuuuuuudddddddddeeeeeeeeeeeeeee"

Guy 1: "No, it's ok, she helped finish me off"

by Herroc April 18, 2009

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Danger Wank

Masterbation performed under highly perilous situations, usually involving the risk of being caught mid-task. Users of the danger wank often say that wanking in these situations hightens the sexual pleasure.

danger wank: "Mum come quick Ive got something to show u! shit, shit, shit *wanks* RELEASE THE BEEEES!"

by Corey Martin January 15, 2007

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