Source Code

Carrie Fishered

When you have the sole intention to give yourself a cocaine induced heart attack .

Watch out tonight lads, I'm getting Carrie Fishered

by CarrieFishered December 25, 2016

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Exaggerating Fisher

The Exaggerating Fisher is usually one who spends an unnecessary amount of time explaining details that are irrelevant. When this happens, usually the universe starts to collapse as society breaks down trying to get away from the horrible exaggeration.

Usually this term is coined by people who are disinterested in this person's conversation.

"Sometimes when I play my Nintendo and I am playing online, it usually results in a match where I am against like 15 guys. Obviously I proceed to kick the crap out of everyone! Like this one time, I took out like 30 guys in Super Smash Brothers ; but you see, this ends up being mundane because.."

This Exaggerating Fisher example is too long to continue and this is where you should walk away silently; enough to not anger the beast explaining the useless story.

by The 15 People He Did Not Beat May 6, 2008

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Aubry Fisher

Brainless bimbo employed by LA Ink.

Non skillful waste of human flesh.

Second in rank of the dumbest of blonds handbook.

Your such an Aubry Fisher at times.

by MrFlannery July 24, 2009

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erica fisher

The most sassy queen to ever walk the planet. She's such a beautiful awesome girl and everyone loves her

Oh who's that sexy beast

I think that's Erica Fisher

Omfg she slays my life!

by ericafisher_ November 24, 2016

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Sam Fisher

1. A charactor from the game Splinter Cell.
2. A Female who goes out with many men in a very short period of time. Often breaking up with them in a matter of days after dating. The most demining thing you can call a woman. Like a combination of bitch, slut,and whore.

1.Sam Fisher killed ten terrorists on level 2 of Splinter cell.
2. Man she was Hella hot till she started pulling a Sam Fisher. She has dated like every guy in the school.

by JustAnotherVictim January 10, 2004

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chase fisher

Coolest, sexiest, most awesome hawt boy in the world

Chase fisher has No example is hawt enough for this

by calckaye April 13, 2015

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The Fisher Special

When you pay your cousin $200 to have sex with you, and end up having her hand up your asshole aka. four finger combo

"hey Jack, what did you do this weekend?"

"Oh I got The Fisher special from Hannah"

by Lemon cardboard March 5, 2019

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