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Java Jive

Java Jive is a wonderful place that sells coffee and other beverages, usually turns a huge profit because people are willing to pay $7 for an esspresso shot

Java Jive is, in a way, like starbucks.

The Java Jive song is as follows....
I love coffee, I love hot chocolate, I love tea too.
We all love the Java Jive and the Java Jive loves you


by Fucktarded Scarecrow August 1, 2009

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Jive Turkey

a term black people used for white people in the 70s

Black Dynamite thinks Kyle is a jive turkey.

by THe better of the jet pair February 24, 2011

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jive cat

some one that is not the ordernary person you or your homeboys would hang out with.

robert cambell

by virgil roberts May 9, 2003

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Jive Jacker

A Jive Jacker is someone who does something so good, he defines the perfection of his actions by just doing it regularly. He/She "owns" whatever skills and abilities people are watching, mostly in disbelief. It looks like they're cheating somehow, but true "Jive Jackers" never lie, never cheat, and just do it like a god.

"I was watching Michael Philips swim in the Olympics 2008 and in 2012, and that guy is a Jive Jacker. Too good, too fast, I'm hoping he ain't a Lance" (Lance Armstrong=cheater). Man, he walked away with the most medals of anyone in history! He's a top notch Jive Jacker."

by RurikBloodaxe January 6, 2013

jive cracker

An Uncommon Phrase Used by the Blacks to describe a Crazy White Person.

White: I'm Gonna go jump off that cliff into a river!
Black: Whatchu Talkin' Bout Jive Cracker!

by PrideofSyn November 19, 2013

Let's Jive

Getting turnt Judy Garland styles

Are you going to that jam tonight? let's jive (Judy garland voice)

by JudyOnFleek January 24, 2015

Harmonious Jive

Workplace relationships that happen organically and create a peaceful work environment

This place sucked until we had the right crew. Now work is more fun than normal life. We have developed "harmonious jive"

by Adamus_Maximus April 2, 2019