A biochemist who deals with mundane tasks such as refining his polynucleotides or proteins with gel electrophoresis.
Peter Watts advertises himself as a failed jell jockey, for he had tried running plasmids and failed.
It professional whose unending task is to squeeze every once of performance out of aging servers with little or no budget from the bean counters.
"Welcome to the company. As the resident server jockey, you'll be responsible for overseeing the successful rollout of Windows 2008 onto these Pentium II's for our 300 employee branch in Chicago. Any questions...good."
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Slang for upper management, as in those who inhabit the Ivory Tower.
Anyone isolated by their position from the front lines of the actual business they do. They typically still meddle, often blindly, into micro-management from afar.
They are prone to visiting the different areas of the company, often expecting regal treatment and yes-man answers. These visits are usually to the surprise and mortification of those who work the front lines, causing disruption and anxiety.
Tower Jockeys are often responsible for the worst, most mindless ideas that drift down the line of a company from it's upper management.
"Did you hear Gary, the F---ing tower jockeys are visiting town tomorrow and visiting the stores"
"Joe has to get everything perfect for when the tower jockeys visit next week from coorporate."
Veteran to new hire: "Look, Billy, when the tower jockeys get here next week just nod and say you agree with whatever they say, even if they are talking about that stupid new system they just rolled out that caused that huge mess last week."
In filming; one who resides behind the camera, operating it, mainly because of their lack of appealing physical qualities and/or skill with a camera.
"Glen wants to be in the next film we make, but he's such a good camera jockey, we're going to make him film again."
derogatory term for a wop or person of Italian descent
that fuckin pasta jockey stole my woman
When you've been riding your horse too often without wearing knickers and your fanny has started to resemble an angry blood orange
'Doctor I've got a really sore fanny from riding my horse'
Doctor 'Looks like a serious case of Jockey's Wink to me'
A girl who uses her mans overgrown pubes to pull herself further onto his cock for a deep throat. like a horse jockey pulls on a horse's reins.
Damn man last night when my girl blew me she pulled my pubes like she was a damn pube jockey.