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He's hot. Really hot. But, all he wants are girls, fame, and money. So be careful and know his full intentions before getting really close with him.

"Juan is so hot oh my lord..."
"But I heard he doesn't really befriend or date girls who aren't SUPER pretty."

by who_r_u_even January 8, 2018

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Juan a disabled Mexican who is sometimes mistaken for a burrito his eyes stretch so far I can't tell who he is looking at

He is retarded and looks like a whale juan a idiotic mexicans

by Kwowoeorid January 24, 2019

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Some fat-ass mother fucker. He won’t be anything, but a fag eating shit in a shed cutting grass for a living.

Damn bro, your as fat as Juan!

by Luis Olivares. May 2, 2018

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A good friend You can trust who always has his niggas backs, if you ever misspell his name his friend "Kody" will correct you

Some nigga: You see what Juane did
other guy: thats my boy

by Just_kodes March 16, 2020

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A kid who will lie to you about his age in order to make out with you. He will risk your freedom. He does not give a fuck. Like Snoop Dog, all he does is smoke week, all day, everyday and talk to hoes on IG. He’ll usually respond to every conversation with β€œdaaaaaaamn”

Girl 1: β€œHe was 25, he showed me an ID”

Girl 2: β€œBitch, you were drunk. Juan is my brother’s friend. He’s 17.”

by BustasAintShid February 14, 2020

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Well, he is probably puertorican or mexican so yeah, you will probably find a Juan. A Juan is often religious (probably catholic) but they commit several crimes. I am a Juan, and i know my friends and my self (We we're all named Juan or Fernando). I live in Mexico but i am puertiorican. I consider you both lucky and unlucky if you meet a Juan. If you see a Juan in the store then you should leave, he is about to rob that shit. But if you are a girl then you are the lucky one. Your Juan will probably buy you a Lamborghini.

Friend: Oh shit! Look over there it is an Juan!
Me: Is it a man or a woman. Or is it a WOMANMAN!
Friend: its my mum
Me: Well hes gonna fuck yo mamas ass!

by mr.wikipedia October 16, 2018

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The damn most sexiest boy in class with the most largest and huge PP you can ever imagine he always smashes the ladies without permission but after a while you start to like it his teacher really fucking sucks too she always looks at him then gives the boy nest to home a doso pass and makes you leave

Yes juan! DaDYY


by Your dad sucky July 23, 2019

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