An appropriate alternative to any suggestion whatsoever.
"Hey, we were going to get Chinese food. Want to come along?"
"Why don't you just make a pizza?"
"The United States need to send more, better armed troops to Iraq in order to win the peace and keep America's interests in the Middle East."
"Why don't you just make a pizza?"
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A more defiant way of saying fuck off, typically used for emphasis or to sound like the smartass you're saying it to.
Smartass: Well uh, I know that that actually isn't true becauseβ
Pissed Guy: Why don't you fuck right off!?
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No seriously. This is a reference to Breaking Bad season 1 episode 4, when Walter Junior, upset and in turmoil over his father's lung cancer diagnosis, outrages at his farther's hopelessness. His mother, Skyler White, is visibly distraught and in shock. Walter White, his father, is facially ambiguous, but I suggest that he is turned on by the unexpected lash out. The abruptness and out-of-pocketness makes this one of the funniest lines in Breaking Bad, nay, in American television.
The writers could well have ended the entire TV show by having Walter White die right then and there and rolling the credits. In fact, this would have been a totally viable ending to a long-winded story and would have prevented the rise of the crack-addicted, mentally unstable Breaking Bad community. Just imagine a world free from crack-heads yelling "JESSE WAKE UP" in public.
The phrase is most often unintentionally used by rage-quitting gamers; specifically, Minecraft zealots when they have two hearts, no shield, and three skeletons are raping them. The phrase also features in many political debates when the opposition runs out of rebuttals and resorts to crude insults, because, after all, this is the best way to assert yourself in discourse.
*3000-word assignment exists*
Professor: "You already have a lenient 5-day period to complete the short-release assignment. However, given the astounding number of simple extensions, we have decided to provide a 2-day blanket extension."
Students: "Why don't you just fucking die already?"
You: *empty a Vietnamese War amount of bug spray on a cockroach*
Cockroach: *moves*
You: "Why don't you just fucking die already?"
Osama bin Laden: *becomes the most elusive terrorist leader in history*
Americans: "Why don't you just fucking die already?"
Stranger approaching you with a clipboard and optimism: "How do you feel ab-"
You: "Why don't you just fucking die already?"
*waiter places your food in front of you*
Waiter: "Enjoy!"
You: *accidentally* "You too."
Waiter: *eats your food*
You: "Why don't you just fucking die already?"
Funny and truthful book by Scott Cohen (An Everyday guy, Not a Famous Author) is a collection of those everyday little annoyances that we face in life (738 of them!). This book will definitly make you say "That's so true!" and "I thought I was the only one who notcied that!" because it's so observational and you'll laugh so hard because of how real and truthful it is.
Selected Annoyances:
-When you forget the initial thought you were thinking of, and then stumble on to a thought far less engaging and far less interesting then the thought you were thinking of before.
-When the Photographer sais "Cheese!" and realizes that there's something he had to fix on the camera, leaving you waiting there with a frozen smile that easily fades out into a phony grin.
- Having the suspiscion that using 2-in-1 shampoo and conditioner is not as effective as if you used them both individually.
- The Vulnerability you feel while sitting on a public toilet.
- When the waitress asks "Is Everything alright here?" after you've taken a big bite out of a sandwich, causing you to grunt your response.
Just to name a few...
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A special burger served with four kinds of cheddar
"Hey Bob, what's the burger of the day?" "It's the Don't You Four Cheddar 'Bout Me Burger, you should try it!"
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A phrase spoken with an Irish or Scottish accent, meaning, be a man and get it done.
Guy1: I don't think i can do it.
Irishman: Why don't you grow a sack and do it, Laddie?
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A full-spectrum insult. Said at anytime and anyone to a silly remark.
1. A: I think Facebook friends are phoney.
B: Why don't you stay at home more often?
2. Chairperson: any more questions?
B: Yes: The speaker failed to tell us the real secret behind his vacuous smile.
Speaker: Yes I did. Why don't you stay at home more often? Do you want me to repeat that? Oright: WDY-SAHMO?
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