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Hurbey Durbey Curly Shirley

When you're playing baseball as a pitcher and you throw a fastball that drills the hitter in the hip and he starts crying, then you walk up to the batter, tickle his beard, then throw salt in his eyes, and lather his fingers in cheap hotel soap.

Person One: I accidentally hit the batter in the hip, so I decided to go for the whole Hurbey Durbey Curly Shirley.

Person Two: Damn, even the hotel soap?

by doubleunicycle January 14, 2022

Don’t call me Shirley!

This line is spoken by Dr. Rumack, played by Leslie Nielson, in the film Airplane!
In one of the film's most famous scenes, former pilot Ted Striker (Robert Hays) discovers that both the pilot and co-pilot of Trans American Flight 209 have succumbed to food poisoning. Dr. Rumack asks Striker if he can fly the plane and land it. Striker responds, "Surely you can't be serious," prompting Rumack to say, with a straight face, "I am serious. And don't call me Shirley."

Julia seen Sharlene at the party and thought she was Shirley, so she said “Hi, Shirley! Nice hairdo!”. However, Sharlene didn’t take it that well and slapped Julia in the face “Don’t call me Shirley!” she huffed and left.

by elixrramen July 24, 2020

Shirleys Nipple

A mixed drink loosely based on the Shirley’s temple, made by combining equal parts of deep Eddie’s grapefruit and Fresca, topped with lemon juice and served over ice.

Damn dude Ryan gosling isn’t funny until the 5th Shirleys Nipple

by Baussmann August 21, 2022

Shirley Weng

Shirley Weng's are sometimes very dumb person and smart at the same time. They hate it when people snitch on them and friends are being fake, also Shirley Weng's hate Eva Wu. Shirley Weng's love to wake up their brothers.

Shirley Weng is a very good person

by Rickroll13203d June 19, 2023

Isaiah Shirley

Has a big ole 50 in pulls every girl in his school funny and if your friends with him you know he is a G he's a straight up bucket when it comes to basketball with a 35in vert and is only 5'4 now ladies come get him

Did you see Isaiah Shirley pull that one baddie.

by A cool guy up the street September 26, 2022

Dirty Shirley

When a female fingers a males ass and then wipes the poop covered finger across his upper lip. The female equivalent of a Dirty Sanchez.

“Last night I gave my date a Dirty Shirley. Haven’t heard from him, so not sure if he liked it or not.”

by Mittit October 31, 2022

Anne Shirley

Anne Shierley is a very lovely girl from Anne of Green Gables. She is very discreptive and nice.

Anne Shirley is my favorite character in Anna of Green Gables.

by PopEva December 15, 2019