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The Spock

Like the shocker but double up the back door. Two in the pink and two in the stink.

The shocker wasn’t enough last night the only only logical choice was the Spock.

by Bigshoes69 July 1, 2021

The Spock

A variation of the shocker in which the male uses 2 in the brown forming the star trek hand

I met this girl at the bar last night, she was so wasted she let me do The Spock

by BiggMacAttak May 15, 2008

Spock it out

To assess the situation with logic

When you Spock it out, you do like Spock and determine if it’s a situation you can deal with - “Captain Kirk - there’s a 31 percent chance we can make it past the guards and disable the reactor

“Spock - this isn’t a time for logic!”

by Garfield Hoover March 15, 2022

Doctor Spock

A type of facial expression, specifically eyebrow movement when you catch your ho lying, cheating, if you will...

... Suspecting that someone has gone "Where No Man Has Gone Before"

My girl came back, said she went to the store, I got all Doctor Spock on her ass

by joeydnewyork February 22, 2020

Spock cock

When a woman positions her hand around her vagina with two finger each side, pulls firmly up and holds then attempts to urinate with full force. This will produce a stream of urine as if it were a penis producing it.

Woman 1: "There's only urinals free in this gender neutral bathroom"
Woman 2: "No worries, I'll just whip out the Spock cock and show those lads what's what!"

by Songyy July 23, 2023

Spock and Watson

Refers to instances where you get similar-sounding names of famous people mixed up.

I have Spock and Watson confusion --- I call Mr. Spock for pediatric advice, and summon Doctor Spock to the bridge of the USS Enterprise; I also approach Mr. Watson for referrals to da Great Baker Street Detective, and ask Dr. Watson for assistance in perfecting my telephone.

by QuacksO August 9, 2018

Spock toes

Its a nerve being pinched its called capsulitis a very very painful thing to go thru ... Spock toes is not a funny ha ha term the docors will ask . do you have spock toes .... Theres no shame because theres to much pain!!! Get pedicures because it will make thier day to help relieve some of your suffering .

Do your toes look like spock toes pedicures relieve suffering toes

by Tabbscat May 9, 2016