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Demon's trying to give you jackshit exams and get you to work at Mcdonalds yet they give you fucking crippling depression from you learning your but of when you could be on Fortnite reporting stream snipers but no one answer incorrect and they are getting a leather belt out because they feed on your sadness

My teacher helps me learn at school

by That guy ryan September 22, 2019

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Teachers are basic scumbags who do not give 2 shits about your social life. They pile on this fucking shit called homework that could take you hours to complete and once your done you have no time for yourself. And then the next day you just wanna shoots these fucking cunts who need to die soon. And then there's those useless tests on shit that your probably never gonna use ever like a fucking Cartesian plane. And you wait till the night before to study and u fail anyways. And then you just wish these teachers would get slaughtered by their own parents for fucks sake.

You fucking teachers are a pain in the ass

by Effhajsvsidhwkahscwh May 28, 2017

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A person that helps you solve problems you’d never have without them

My teacher is nice

by Yubo June 13, 2020

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A person who solves problems you'll never have without them

Teacher Do you need help me no I'm finewhat I'm thinkingI do need help but I wouldn't if it weren't for you

by _._32405_._ September 20, 2017

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A teacher is someone who pretends to be a human whilst living among humans. A teacher is a demon from hell who works for Satan himself.

Look, that’s my English teacher. I dont like him. He is Satan’s employee.

by Pumkin October 14, 2019

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A fucking bitch who will yell at you for no reason and will make u depressed

The teacher gave me a detention, she’s a bitch.

by Kpoponsessedpersonoid May 8, 2019

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Someone who is boring and likes to talk about their boring life you don’t care about.

Teacher says, excuse me with all that talking I assume your done, I say with all that complaining I assume your single.

by Rkdkfne March 14, 2019

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