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Neopets Avatar Chat

This is located on the Neopets.com message boards. Full of people who are illiterate and do not know what the shift key is for. They spend their time "collecting" Neopets avatars, but people in other boards tend to have more than the ACers themselves.
Although the word "avatar" is right at the top of the chat on every page, none can seem to spell the word properly.

Whenever a new avatar is released, the board is flooded with messages such as:

"LYKE OMG I GOT TEH NEW AVVICTOR", "how do u getz da new avaitor"

by P December 21, 2004

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Avatar: The Last Airbender

The only thing worth watching on Nickelodeon.

I watched the finale of Avatar: The Last Airbender today, I cri evrytim

by AreialInferno January 6, 2015

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Avatar: the Last Dickbender

When you are having intercourse with a cancer patient and you place your penis across the middle of their bald scalp, from behind, and the cancer parient takes a selfie.

I saw that girlโ€™s Snapchat story and she looked like Avatar: the Last Dickbender.

by Docta Soose April 11, 2019

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Super avatar Bros.

A slang name for the Origin computer game Ultima 8, due to the large (in some opinions excessive) amounts of jumping required to complete the quests.

Nerdy guy "Dude, I just beat Super Avatar Bros.!"

Other Nerdy guy. "Fagbag, the series started to suck after seven and you know it."

by Arglebarglefargle September 17, 2007

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No-Robux Avatar Day

In May 6th, You have to dress up like you haven't got any robux.
Not allowed: 1 robux and above accesories, bundles, animations, faces, hair, t-shirt, pants, shirt

Why is everybody dressed up like their poor?
Because it's No-Robux Avatar Day, Brains for Weaklings.

by sdeaf May 7, 2023

Avatar the last airbender

A show from Nickelodeon but not just any show this show is unique it's amazing how we get to know all of the character's good and bad side and just how creative it is and the quality is just wonderful. it honestly means so much to me although i used to hate it previously because whenever someone would mention it i would think there talking about that random blue people movie. moreover what makes you never get bored is all the jokes and funny moments. despite that fact that there are some cringe moments I still love it. My favourite characters:
1 sokka
2 uncle iroh
3 zuko
4 aang

Avatar the last airbender a show from Nickelodeon

by someonewholovesavatar January 11, 2022

Avatar: The Way of Water

-This shit happens more than ten years after the fucking prequel.
-Humans invade Pandora.
-The dead guy named Miles Quaritch turns out to be blue and alive.

-Jake's kids get kidnapped and freed (Spider being an exception).
-Jake and his family move to the fucking ocean.
-Lo'ak (Jake's son) fights some dude and almost gets fucking eaten by a predator.
-A tulkun named Payakan saves him (he's ostracized because he fought with the dudes who killed his mother).
-Kiri has a seizure. She lives because muh plot armor.
-Quaritch massacres the fucking tulkuns. Their brains prevent aging.
-Jake and his family get trapped in a sunken vessel (Payakan attacks it and kills the crew earlier).
-Lo'ak, Tsireya (Metkayina princess), and Tuk (Jack's daughter) get captured and live.
-Neteyam (Jake's son) dies. The other kids live.
-Quaritch holds Kiri (Jake's daughter) hostage until Neytiri (Jake's wife) cuts Spider's chest with a knife.
-Spider saves Quaritch and fucking stays on Pandora.
-Jake and his family stay underwater.

Avatar: The Way of Water sucks ass. Read these spoilers instead.

by Yopmail User December 18, 2022

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