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Pedigree Chum

Someone whom you share a common sense of (humour) with, whether it's been months or even years can still be able to pick up where you left off and have that same (banter).

Person A- "That Shelley seems a right good (laugh)."
Person B- "Aye, she's a proper pedigree chum"

by Bobbydgrum June 7, 2015

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chum taker

someone of either sex who takes it in the ass

Nathan is the giver and Jason is the reciever, thus making Jason the CHUM TAKER

by almighty hallsy July 11, 2006

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bum chum

A slang term for a man or teenage boy who is gay i.e. likes making love via the rectum, either:-
- likes putting his cock in his partner's butt
- likes his partner putting their cock in his butt

Rachel: 'Wow, Jason is so cute, I'd love to be his girlfriend'
Emma: 'Sorry Rachel, he's a bum chum, he wouldn't be interested'.
Rachel: 'Damn it'.

by Online Fan December 12, 2016

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chums group

a website that will cause the death of facebook

hey guys wanna go on facebook
No whats that
its that thing we used to go on before chums group
OH that

by missymexx March 6, 2012

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bum chums

Two men who are homosexual lovers. Often used as an insult where no homosexual relationship exists (similar to the use of the word "gay" as an insult, but more offensive).

Bob always gets the best assignments because he's bum chums with his boss.

by kryptonpirate May 15, 2005

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Chum rubbish

Someone who is dick face ass nipple cunt sucking fag cock poo jabbing homo shit dick mother fucking penis head gouch licking boob doodle piece of shit scum.

One of the most offensive words ever.

Omg!!! he is such a chum rubbish.

by chumrubbish April 18, 2010

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Butter Chum

One of the rarest forms of life in the universe, only found in the sensual fingers of Emperor Pipeline

β€œDude, Kylo Ren was too cute, I butter chummed in my pants.”

by God the second December 23, 2019