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One who spends all of their time trolling the definitions for "Republican", instead of actually adding positive statements to their own.

see mangina for the definition of all democrats.

Democrat: "I think we should give Govt. handouts too those who are too lazy to get a job, with no rules about what they can spend it on."

by clewis102010 October 6, 2010

422๐Ÿ‘ 1076๐Ÿ‘Ž


A person who is the member of the Democratic Party in the U.S.

A loose definition of a Democrat in terms of political ideal's, would be Retard.
Someone who lacks Common Sense, believes in Pipe-dream Nonsense, and are easily convinced into believing Lies and False news given to them by Mainstream media; Example, CNN, MSNBC, NBC, ABC, etc.

Most democrats are Far-left politically. Which are the more Stupid of the entire party. Others are more moderate liberals, whom still lack Common Sense and Intelligence, but are easier to converse with.

Ed: Hey john, did you know joe was a Democrat?

John: Wow really? I kinda had a feeling. He is pretty much Retarded most of the time.

by WiKKiDLo November 14, 2020

104๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž


a person who adheres to the democratic party, the more liberal of the two dominating political forces in America. while their policies often have good intentions, they place faith in government, otherwise known as the most inefficient organization known to man. For a democrat, government programs are the solution to just about any social problem, especially those created or aggravated by government programs or restrictions (see health care). To pay for said programs, they would take as much money as they can from rich people. If in congress, they avoid taxes to prevent this from affecting them too much. they also believe that the ideal way to create jobs is to take lots of money away from rich people who, incidentally are the ones who actually provide jobs for those with less money.

Also a person who claims to be a capitalist rather then a socialist, and then when asked to describe their beliefs, describe either socialism, or Marxism (read the Communist Manifesto if you don't believe me).

Democrats have a majority in both houses of congress

Many economists believe that FDR, a democrat, actually prolonged and intensified the great depression by his domestic policies

by MadnessClown December 30, 2010

367๐Ÿ‘ 1073๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. (noun) A member of one of the two most powerful and power-hungry political parties in the United States. From the late twentieth century onward, they are known for their belief that the average U.S. citizen is a completely incompetent idiot and is unable to spend their money wisely (meaning, according to democratic ideals), properly use dangerous tools and weapons, or raise their children without direct government intervention. Democrats firmly believe that the only way a society can function properly is when a a completely incompetent member of the Democratic Party is ruling over said citizens and making every personal and financial decision for them.

Unlike citizens affiliated with most other political parties, who prefer to intelligently debate opposing points of view, Democrats react aggressively and maliciously when their ideology is questioned. Slander and petty name-calling are their primary, and often times their only defense. (For examples, see definitions submitted for Republican)

Ted Kennedy, Hilary Clinton, and Rosie O'donald are typical democrats.

by J. R. Bonich March 29, 2007

354๐Ÿ‘ 1051๐Ÿ‘Ž


The biggest group of liars on the planet. They feign support and concern for the less fortunate in order to gain votes to keep them in power and take rights away from Americans that donโ€™t vote for them. Members of this party embrace the mentality of being a victim, believe all of their problems should be solved by others, believe it that standing for the flag is โ€œhateful behaviorโ€, and think anyone that thinks differently than them is a bigot, racist, or just a horrible person. (Iโ€™m writing this definition because of how overly soft balled all of the definitions for Democrats are on this site, thereโ€™s even a โ€œnon-biasedโ€ definition, while every Republican definition is just insulting and completely biased. Suck it nerds).

Democrats believe that every Republican is a hypocritical, absent-minded racist who only cares about money and hates minorities. Meanwhile, Democrats pick people for positions purely based on the color of their skin, and believe in pushing the โ€œvictim mentalityโ€ in order to gain votes.

by Evander December 26, 2020

133๐Ÿ‘ 220๐Ÿ‘Ž


- Bias definition

The phobia of common sense.

Even after Joe Biden proved time and time again he could not be trusted the democrats still voted him in in office as the 46th president of the not so United States.

by grim old troll February 4, 2021

147๐Ÿ‘ 211๐Ÿ‘Ž


idiot totalitarians that like to increase taxes while saying they will do great things with them but somehow we just wind up in more debt.

Obama's retarded heath care plan is typical of a Democrat

by The boss hoss #14 September 28, 2010

348๐Ÿ‘ 1035๐Ÿ‘Ž