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fridge monkey

a little person that you can carry to the fridge to get a beer while still having intercourse with them.

"that girl i just met is a total fridge monkey"

" he likes em small and fridge monkey like"

by chiefyboy April 2, 2009

God's Fridge

When the temperature outside drops enough that you can keep your precious beer cold without the use of a traditional fridge. If it's cold enough outside, its more effective than the old-fashioned fridge.

"Hey I'm going to the kitchen, y'all want another beer?"

"I didn't put the beer in that fridge, it's outside in God's Fridge."


"I brought a case o' beer while we watch the game, where do you want it?"

"Put it outside on the deck that's God's Fridge."

by Leafsblowgoats December 11, 2009

Samsung Fridge

A fridge with a screen on it. It is very smart. And you can even beat Minecraft on the screen

“Dude wanna play Minecraft on your Samsung fridge

by TheSamsungFridge12354 December 5, 2020

burrito in the fridge

Similar to "elephant in the room".

A metaphorical idiom for an obvious truth that is being ignored or goes unaddressed.

"Hey Robert? I think we need to talk about the burrito in the fridge."

by rotatingrocks January 18, 2012

Fridge protector

Of some calls you a fridge protector they are saying you’ll do anything to protect the food in the fridge therefore calling you fat. If someone says this to you slap the shit out them.

Him: Shutchyo big fridge protector ass up
Me: *spaps the shit out this bum ass Biggs who think he can all me fat like nigga where*

by thatniggaaagabyyyy September 23, 2018

Fridge Technique

When you put Gushers, the candy or the human kind, into the fridge to chill them before consumption.

Have you ever had gushers? They’re so good, especially when you put these people in the fridge first. I call it the Fridge Technique.

by Newsean May 9, 2022

best fridge

A best fridge is better than a best friend because one of you would've been smart enough to accidentally type 'fridge' instead of 'friend' in a conversation. To be a best fridge you must glove attack hugs.

Person - Are you two best friends?

Best Fridges - Pfft, no; we're best fridges!

*person walks away scared*

by thefridgey January 29, 2014