A simple Tennessee fan who cries when they lose to the Florida Gators.
Boon Tuck Noon became a Gator fan in 2023.
Enough you are doing it to make doing it worthwhile.
Hym "Noone is listening to you either, bitch. And, as a consequence, look at all the exploded children. And they aren't listening because they don't want to they're not being allowed to listen because THEY WOULD. And if they did the children would stop getting exploded! But you want YOU to be the extra special political impact-haver, don't you? Not ME. I'm icky! Pfft heheheheh..."
Possibly the biggest fraud in existence, a winger who can’t pass, when plays up top can’t shoot. Worst manager in history with the artistic ability of a disabled kid. Blames players around him 24/7, time to retire?
Wow you’re such a “jensen noone” (fraud)
The time in which is used when lazy BUMs when waking at the butt crack of dawn is inconceivable.
tenacious D
“ Your training starts at the CRACK OF NOON”
Voice line from the game ”Overwatch”
*does ultimate*
Mccree: - ”It’s high noon”
a special type of tape that can only be used at noon (12pm) to bound the disrespectful
‘what are you going to do about heather?’
‘don’t worry i’ve got the noon tape’