Rule 0 of the internet:Don't fuck with cats.
Garry: Hey! look at this stupid cat lol!
You (most likely):Internet rule zero, RULE ZER-OH
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The morass that is formed by comment fields on the internet, anywhere. It is a cesspool for people being anonymously vile. The people in the cesspool often seek out things they know they hate, because they get off on being angry and disgusted, and expressing this in lurid terms.
I made the mistake of looking at the bottom half of the internet.
We're sorry! This definition could not load at this time. Please refresh the page and try again.
Me: this fuckin slow internet connection is a piece of shit. fuck this slow ass shit.
Ask for none, and you shall recieve all.
In other words, if someone explicitly says they don't like something or don't want to see something, that's all they'll see for an extended period of time. Examples include the Harambe meme, Ligma, and Philip Defranco being called "daddy".
YouTube commenter 1: Here's 10 dollars for you, daddy
Philip Defranco: Thanks, but please don't call me "daddy".
*YouTube comments proceed to call him daddy for entire livestream and beyond*
Another commenter: Phil, you broke rule 0 of the internet. What have you done?
simular to the flamer and angry young man. the internet tough guy is a commonly a individual on the internet who tends to post agressive and threatening posts a marked tendancy towards right wing opnions on pretty much everything. anyone who disagrees with his or on occasion her will usually face a incorherant terade of homosexual referances and direct threats of physical voilence. (despite the sheer implausability of them tracking someone down) irrational hatred of anyone differant or vaguegly left/humane/intelligent or willing to critisise them. Also staunch supposters of anything voilent or aggressive and anyone who isnt is a 'PUSSY LIBERAL FAG'.
in truth internet tough guys are rather sad individuals with little or no dignity or charm
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fictional semi robotic creatures that are used as an excuse for bad internet connection.
Sorry i lost my connection i have Anti-Internet Monkeys in my house.
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Internet Tough Guys are the people who you will find in chatrooms, usually having some sort of badass name (e.g., Gladiatior007.) and an intimidating avatar. They'll contantly be bragging about how they beat the shit out of people and steal their girls or are a professional wrestler and weigh 400 pounds of pure muscle, and they'll often say things like "If I knew where you lived, i'd kick your ass." and other bluffs. 99.999999% of these people are socially awkward, weak people with few friends in real life. They are very easy to troll, and pretending to be an ITG is also a fun way to troll people.
Muscleman308: I'll find out where you live and beat the shit out of you!
Lolz:Internet Tough Guy much, faggot?
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