A pointless work policy, but can be used to harm you if not adhered to.
I said "have a nice day" instead of "have a great day" again and they gave me a written warning for not following the scripting. Fucking pizza cutter policy nonsense.
Something that ree kid said on VR chat while dying.
Can I have some Tortilla Pizza roles
The act of shating on raw pizza dough and forming it into the shape of pizza rolls, and feeding it to your "loved" one. Of course after cooking it properly.
"Damn Jackie, those were some good Tennessee pizza rolls!!"
A magical place that defies the laws of physics; the staff won't remember your visit, and no-one saw it happen
The phrase comes from a popular pizza eatery in Woking that may be cited as an alibi whenever you're accused of something that you definitely did, but don't want to admit.
I can't have had sex with my good friend's trafficked child prostitute because on the night in question I was in Woking Pizza Express.
The Combination of two food icons the Cheese Steak and Pizza.
Bow Down to this holy creation crafted in the fires of Olympus by GOD to south the soul of man. After eating this holy of holys one must clear the palet with a glass of The "Pale Riders Wrath".
Cheese Steak Pizza King of Pizza
1👍 1👎
a: yo i got french bread pizza
The infinite pizza theorem is the proposition that, given any circle (particularly a pizza), a slice directly in the middle of the circle will create two half circles of 181° total. This occurs when you split two degrees on opposite sides of the circle, creating two extra half degrees on either end of the half circle. The infinite pizza theorem is one of the more plausible solutions to world hunger, next to mass genocide.
I used the infinite pizza theorem to make 180 pizzas into 181!