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Sugar Coated Christmas Trees

What really good marijuana looks like.

That weed is so dank; it looks like sugar coated christmas trees. Lets smoke it!

by brandon2k9 May 19, 2010

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Watermelon sugar high

When you see a woman with melons so perfect; you can not stop daydreaming about them.

Some stripper gave Scott that watermelon sugar high last week, now he's broke.

by Poo C. #ER February 17, 2021

9๐Ÿ‘ 50๐Ÿ‘Ž

brown sugar daddy

A black man who provides money and luxuries to a woman in exchange for companionship.

I know it seems cliche, but I have been dating this football player who just signed a 40 million dollar contract. He smoothers me in jewelry and designer clothers, he is my brown sugar daddy! sugar daddy, daddy, boyfriend, gold digger, high maintenance

by joecoolthefool August 17, 2015

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sugar momma roseland

A fake sugar momma that scams broke 18 year old girls out of what little money they do have. She adds you on Snapchat makes you send money to her โ€œbossโ€ makes you send vids saying she is legit. Some of their numbers are +1 (707) 847-8057 and +1 (413) 841-1347 and their email is roselandalexander096@gmail.com.

Sugar momma roseland is a fraud.

by I got scammed November 21, 2021

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Pounce on sugar goods

Pouncing on sugar goods is a term used to describe dancing close to a Sexy Female

I see a hottie in the club. My favorite song came on, so I "Pounced on her sugar goods".
"Pounce on sugar Goods"

by Sammysoho April 30, 2009

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Mr. Richard Sugar Daddy

Sometimes called RJ. Mr. Richard Sugar Daddy is just a really tall Pimp with massive shoulders, he has the funds to be a real sugar daddy but he would rather be a durry daddy (giving girls cigarettes in trade for sexual pleasure). He has one girl, or eagle in mind but is called Sugar Daddy by another. He also minds if people hit that yeet. His hobbies include acting gay with a particular friend and playing ode to joy on a not tuned guitar. His favorite word is Creampie and he can't be in a skype call without making weird inhumane noises.

'What are you fucking gay?' - Boii
'Well Rafe's man tits look pretty good but no' -Mr. Richard Sugar Daddy

'OOH I like you, let me serenade you with ode to joy'- Mr. Richard Sugar Daddy

'Sugar Daddy give me that sugar hun' -Sugar Baby

by crushtheseescapingwords November 19, 2016

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sugar free red bull

Sweet bubble gum taste that fills your body with what you think is energy. red bull does not give you wings, but in fact gives you diarrhea.

Did you see that girl drinking sugar free red bull?...she's going to blow it up later.

by REDMannah October 22, 2011

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