1) n.: How a typical Caucasian American with a suit and tie would speak. Sounds very proper without any slang and each letter is enunciated with care. In addition to no slang, there also aren't any contractions such as "aren't", "isn't"
2) n.: The voice of a typical Caucasian American teenager. Usually said toward an African American.
Definition 1:
Caucasian: "Well hello there Lamar, how is your basketball practice going?"
Lamar: "Man, fuck you and your white-speak!"
Definition 2:
Lamar *with a high pitched voice*: "Hey guys, how's it going?"
Tyrone: "Oh shit, this nigga got whitespeak! Run before we catch it!"
9๐ 5๐
1) is when you fill the chamber up with (ganja) smoke and the chamber turns white.
2) another word for lets go smoke it up
3) past tense "White Walled" is that you are high, faded, baked, dome hit, and etc
That is "White Walled"
Want to go "white walling".
I was so "white walled" the other day.
8๐ 3๐
When you cum in a cup than your girl drinks it like a glass of wine
"Girl you want a white glass"
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Whilst someone is sleeping, stealthily approach the recipient and ejaculate on their face the recipient will wake wondering what just happened this is when you back into the darkness whispering "white shadow".
I "white shadowed" Tiffany last night!
10๐ 3๐
the shit that cum out when u bustin a nut
step bro what's that white stuff
21๐ 4๐
Extremely cheap and potent cider drank by scunners outside establishments such as Spar. Has a definite pronunciation.
Scunner: "We were 'avin a total mad mission of it, drinking White Lightning outside Spar"
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