Imagine the most distinctively awful smelling toxic waste dump in all of existence. Now think of that on your girlfriends asshole. A "Rust Bucket" is an asshole that has gone several months without wash and is most likely covered in one of the following: Shit , piss, dried up semen, blood , scabs or all of these things.
If you see someone with a rust Bucket , pity them for they live the worst life possible. Also run
When a girl has a really loose pussy so all the guy feels is wetness and nothing else. It is like fucking a bucket of water.
Man I did some serious bucket fucking with the girl from the mall yesterday!
Dumb Lineman flying around in a bucket truck.
Look at that Bucket Monkey up in the air.
When one dunks his balls in honey and dunks it in someones mouth.
"Bro, last night I gave my girl the Honey Bucket she loved how sweet my balls were"
A sexual act during a bukkake where all the guys cum into a bucket and then spoon feed the cum to the female in the scenario to alleviate her sore throat from sucking too much dick.
Wow, Jenna told me she performed the honey bucket last night with all of her guy friends.
When you do anal then get poop on the penis then do vaganal sex and get poop on the vagina and it crusts up.
My vagina hurts
Do you have a rusty bucket?