Ramming your cock into someone’s anus with surprise
I snuck up on my friend and gave him a fleshy butt stick surprise
The act of when a girl is sucking on your penis and you unexpectedly jizz all over her face
I gave her her great California surprise
the act of gagging your drunk partner with your penis until they vomit on said penis and then quickly shoving your penis into your partners vagina/anus.
"dude i got Cindy so drunk i gave her a gnarly California surprise."
The sexual act of when a man goes ahead and nuts into an unprotected woman. This woman proceeds to become pregnant and have the baby. There are two steps that can be done in place of each other. The first is to shove cereal down the baby’s throat and toss the newborn in the box down the toilet. The second is to run away with all the cereal and steal any cereal that the woman buys
Yo I pulled a Pablo cereal surprise on that hoe so hard! I get all the cereal!
When a creepy older man named Randy emerges from your closet while you and your partner are engaged in coitus, only dressed in a superman cape and holding a red balloon.
Me and the lady were getting busy last night then my step dad busted in and gave us the ol' surprise Randy.
An adjective for the word surprise.
My day has been very surprisative.
The resonating sound a kindle makes as it bounces off your skull when you fall asleep while reading.
I had a particularly painful kindle surprise last night, hence the black eye