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Middle School

A legal way for the states torture you and if you don't go you get truancy

Are you even in middle school yet like you're so tiny

by iamaweirdojustaweirdguy May 2, 2019

Middle School

The realm of Satan. Where monsters disguised as popular kids make you feel miserable for three miserable years! And when you finally find a good group of friends, they separate and leave you alone!

My Mom: How was your first day of middle school?
Me: Life is meaningless now.

by Timewarps_1 May 29, 2018

Middle School

The actual definition of hell where half the kids are bullied, the other half’s daddies are really rich so nobody can touch them or they are the bullies.

What do the teachers do about it? Nothing. But if you’re caught wearing a hoodie? GET YOUR SORRY BUTT TO THE PRINCIPAL’S OFFICE!

Types of groups or people:

Rich kids: Walk around showing off their designer kicks to the common folk. Untouchable or else daddy will blow a fuse and sue the school.

Nerds: Smart kids but constantly get picked on by bullies.

Gamers: Normally a bunch of kids who are tech-smart and spend their break times indoors playing video games together

Bullies: Insecure jerks who take out their anger on other kids.

Kids with parents who don’t give a damn about them: One of two things happen to them. They either becomes bullies or the bullied.

Weebs: Anime kids who obsess over manga and have all the Naruto hand movements memorized. Sometimes they also go into the gamer kid group as well...why? Because Pikachu.

Tik Tok Girls: Trendy group of girls with basically 0 personality whatsoever. When they’re not gossiping and gushing over hot boys, they’re on their phones, checking their Instagram stories and trying so hard to act cool.

Athletic kids: Annoying, popular, PE coach’s favorite kids and can be teacher’s pets. Also, they have an obsession with soccer or football or whatever.

These are only some of the groups this dreadful fiery pit of hell holds.

Many communities of people across the world agree that middle school is crappy

by JustARandomPieceOfCrap November 5, 2021

Middle school

Some really fucked up shit. Middle school is a place that makes you feel like how you dress is the most important thing and how popular you are matters to everyone. Middle school is a place where you get more homework than the high schoolers. Middle school is a place where the dress codes only matter for the girls and the guys can wear whatever they want. Middle school is a place that relationships Start but only last for at most a couple of months. They tell you that your grades are the most important thing but really they don’t matter. Just be yourself in middle school and don’t let popularity change your personality

Girl 1: I’m so scared to go to middle school

Girl 2: it’s ok it’s not that scary it’s almost exactly the same as elementary

by Hi I don’t know what to write November 6, 2019

Middle School

Fucking Hell. Usually prison and where sluts are born. dont fuck with this place its shit

Middle School is a shitty part of our lives.

by cheerleading_236 April 20, 2019

Middle School

A hellhole in which puberty, failed relationships, Instagram girls, and pointless education plagues.

Kid1: middle school is shit
Kid2: Yeah, I know

by TheRealJayeff November 27, 2019

Middle School

A hell that is for 2-3 years. Said it is better in an Urban and Suburban area that Rural places.
The popular kids are dumb scumbags who dress like they walked out of a porno and the unpopular kids are overweight and wear glasses.

It should be noted all history teachers are alcoholics that put on a PragerU Kids video in the Fucking 8th grade. The gym teachers are molesting the popular kids and the Math Teacher is depressed as she watches local scumbag masterbate to a photo of her.

Don’t worry, this will only happen when the school makes you eat expired food because they’re too broke to afford good food, but can afford a dance.

Do you remember me from Middle School? 7th grade 3rd period English?
Yes! I underwent years of therapy to forget all of it!

by Bella the princess November 3, 2023