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track 6

Blokes who love working hard, united may they stand united may they fall. They are the true sigma males.

Jimbob: "Guys, track 6 on tour!"

Cooper: "Breakin da law, breakin da law"

by southbound again September 17, 2021

6 feet tall and super strong

A refrence to a song I think

6 feet tall and super strong

by FardMonke July 26, 2022

Strong 6

A way of defending a girls attractiveness to your friends who are judging you for your poor choices. If the scale is one to ten, above average starts at 7...

"I see you've been picking the low hanging fruit again."

"No way dude, that girl is definitely a strong 6"
"That girl is a troll"

by Bob McCrackn August 15, 2014

Crucial 6

Term often used between multiple partners to alert the individual of an attack from the rear usually pertaining to a zombie outbreak.

Todd: "I'm doin' so awesome, nothin' can stop us now!!"
Jack: "TODD!! Check your crucial 6!!"

Todd: " Thanks man, that zombie almost mounted me from behind!!"

by Gnomerer December 21, 2010

11 Feet 6 Inches

2 sexainches.
2 fuckainches.
2 hexacontaenneainches.
1 hectatriacontaoctainch.
Because 69 x 2 = 138.
This is around twice the average height of an American male and female model.

Me: I thought Robert Wadlow was so tall.
You: Well could you imagine someone being 11 feet 6 inches tall.
Me: You mean 11 and a half feet.
You: Right.
Me: Yeah.

by gregben September 12, 2023

11 Feet 6 Inches

2 sexainches.
Because 69 x 2 = 138.

Me: I thought Robert Wadlow was tall.
You: Well it was claimed that the Giant of Castelnau was 11 feet 6 inches tall.
Me: That’s 2 sexainches.

by gregben September 12, 2023

National Div 6 Appreciation day

Celebrate your division 6 friends with "National Div 6 Appreciation day" on September 2nd. They don't get a lot of credit since there highest-scoring games are normally single digits or the all-time great of 11 set by Randy Bird in 1812. This day is the day to give your Div 6 friends a break. September 2nd

Everyone: How did you do last night?
Gong: Career High of 4 why?
Everyone: it's National Div 6 Appreciation day good job
Gong: *Cries in Div 6*

by GummyGummyBear September 1, 2020