A school full of weird bitches drug addicts and mentally Ill teenagers and all they talk about is sex.
This school is worse than Chicago agriculture high schools football team
a place where people talk about other people ALL THE TIME!!! they continuously don't do anything about having roaches and spiders. everyone talks abt people on social media, but when they see us in school they don't do anything. the teachers are part racist and the classrooms smell like shit. then girls talk shit on each other and then get on snapchat and act all depressed. EVERYONE IS WORRIED ABOUT EVERYONE ELSE EXCEPT THEMSELVES.
Cecelia Snyder Middle School is trash and talks shit.
A game that made me spend more time with my family and friends.
School Days is batshit crazy
The most drama filled place on Earth, where If you’re not cheating, you’re getting cheated on. Staff cares more about football than academics. Every 15 year old is pregnant. And teachers boarder line sleep with students with no consequences. And every once in a while we get the substitute that sleeps through 3 blocks. Atleast we still have Mr. Madden.
Lincoln County (GA) High School is a great place to send your kids !!!!
a school full of billie eilish fans and e-boys and e-girls. or just boys and girls that think they’re better than everyone else. some of them are nice but that’ll be rare :)
r: “ugh my boyfriend started listening to lil peep and wearing chains...”
e: “he prolly goes to DeLong Middle School.”
A very shit school containing 50% drug abusers and 50% whores and zp
Me: her did u see greystanes high school
Ross: yes it’s shit
Hello World is a programming language course in Kosovo located in Podujeva, Peja and Istog. Everyone suggests to go to the course. So if u live in Kosovo go check them out.
Hello world school is the best