Example 1
Bob - “ You sticking around Steve?”
Steve - “Bah, I’m gonna chip mate”.
Example 2
“That ford Sierra was chipping it down the motor way”.
roadman slang for ‘leave’ or ‘p*ss off.’
“all them birds/girls can chip”.
Chip; the most handsome Australian Labradoodle living in The Netherlands.
On instagram also known as chippendoodle.
What the Chip.
Chip on the shoulder.
If it aint Chip, it aint much.
A small snapped of piece of a cigarette usually use for rolling a zoot.
"Oi gary, you got any rolling baccy?"
"Nah mate, ive onlygot chip"
To refer to something as ugly, distasteful, not cute, and just a mess. This term is widely used in Buffalo,NY Primarily in AAVE.
Look at their outfit nothing matches and it doesn’t fit yo her outfit is really chips asf !
usually said towards a women meaning ugly,ran thru,a bop,1/10,thot,hoe etc
“yall hoes chips” “yall bitchs sum chips smh” i just fucced onna hoe she was chips”
My crush 🥰🥰🥰 jkjkjk, he's a guy in California who I honestly, thinking about it, don't know much about. I just know he lives somewhere in California and he has a dog also that his initials are pp. He's a very rude guy who dry texts and he also leaves u on read all the time. Also I don't think I should trust him because my parent taught me to not trust strangers off the internet. As far as I know he might be an old man. Hopefully in real life tho he's a very nice old man.
Chip wants to rule the TRISTATE AREA