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To leave or to be in a hurry.

Example 1
Bob - “ You sticking around Steve?”
Steve - “Bah, I’m gonna chip mate”.

Example 2
“That ford Sierra was chipping it down the motor way”.

by Wuyaff May 30, 2019


roadman slang for ‘leave’ or ‘p*ss off.’

“all them birds/girls can chip”.

by alvssandra March 22, 2024


Chip; the most handsome Australian Labradoodle living in The Netherlands.

On instagram also known as chippendoodle.

What the Chip.

Chip on the shoulder.

If it aint Chip, it aint much.

by Personal Human November 24, 2021


A small snapped of piece of a cigarette usually use for rolling a zoot.

"Oi gary, you got any rolling baccy?"
"Nah mate, ive onlygot chip"

by Chavvy gary September 6, 2022


To refer to something as ugly, distasteful, not cute, and just a mess. This term is widely used in Buffalo,NY Primarily in AAVE.

Look at their outfit nothing matches and it doesn’t fit yo her outfit is really chips asf !

by March 5, 2024


usually said towards a women meaning ugly,ran thru,a bop,1/10,thot,hoe etc

yall hoes chips” “yall bitchs sum chips smh” i just fucced onna hoe she was chips”

by nynegang September 23, 2021


My crush 🥰🥰🥰 jkjkjk, he's a guy in California who I honestly, thinking about it, don't know much about. I just know he lives somewhere in California and he has a dog also that his initials are pp. He's a very rude guy who dry texts and he also leaves u on read all the time. Also I don't think I should trust him because my parent taught me to not trust strangers off the internet. As far as I know he might be an old man. Hopefully in real life tho he's a very nice old man.

Chip wants to rule the TRISTATE AREA

by rocio_mmendez2024 October 26, 2020